7.2 Day/Night we
eather forecast
The Weather Station
n will, depending on the sunrise
nighttime weather re
espectively. The device is preset
after the sunset time
► Press the WEATH
HER button
vice versa.
7.3 Critical weath
her information
The Meteotime weat
ther signal contains critical weat
thunderstorms, stron
ng UV radiation, dense fog, mist
will be displayed to in
nform the user that critical weat
weather information
for the next 4 days.
► Press the WEATH
HER button
that day will flash w
when you read the respective in
► Press the SET but
to return to the 'city sunr
If you would like to re
ead the weather information in t
► Press the WEATH
HER button
► If no button is pres
ssed, the display returns to the c
of the critical weat
ther details.
8 Wall mountin
Both the Weather St
tation and outdoor sensor can b
► Drill holes, insert w
wall plugs and screw in the scre
► Mount the Weathe
er Station or outdoor sensor
9 Technical dat
● Temperature displ
lay range: -40°C to 70°C
● Temperature reso
lution: 0.1°C
● Operating tempera
ature range (Weather Station): -
● Operating tempera
ature range (outdoor sensor): -2
● Temperature accu
uracy: +/- 1°C
● Humidity display ra
ange:1% to 99% relative humid
● Humidity resolutio
n: 1%
● Humidity accuracy
y: +/- 5% (between 25% - 80% a
● RF transmission fr
requency - outdoor sensor: 433
● RF transmission ra
ange - outdoor sensor: Maximum
● Power supply – W
Weather Wtation: 4 x AA (1.5V)
● Power supply - ou
tdoor sensor: 2 x AA (1.5V)
©2009 KOCH. All rig
ghts reserved
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
time and sunset time, automatic
t to show the daytime weather a
to view the daytim
me weather for a 10-second peri
ther information such as strong
tral, etc. for today and the comin
her is forecast for that day. Som
to read the critica
l weather information. The weat
rise & sunset time and date' disp
the information window.
to display daytime
e/nighttime weather information
critical weather information to en
e mounted on a wall.
on the screws.
-5°C to +50°C
20°C to +60°C
at 25°C)
m 30 metres (open space)
cally switch to daytime weather
after the sunrise time and the nig
od if it currently shows the night
winds, freezing rain, heavy snow
ng three days. A critical weather
metimes there is more than one
ther alert signal
and critical weather
nsure you are aware
ghttime weather
ttime weather, or
r alert signal
piece of critical