care of plated parts
If the appliance is equipped with plated parts, you must clean fi ngerprints or other marks from the plated surfaces
before operating the appliance for the fi rst time. Use an ammonia-free or vinegar-based cleaner and a towel
to clean. If not cleaned properly before operating for the fi rst time, the marks can cause permanent blemishes
on the plating. After the plating is cured, the fi ngerprints and oils will not affect the fi nish and little maintenance
is required, just wipe clean as needed. Prolonged high temperature burning with the door ajar may cause
discolouration on plated parts.
The protective wrap on plated parts is best removed when the assembly is at room temperature but this can
be improved if the assembly is warmed (i.e. using a hair dryer or similar heat source).
safety barrier removal
Allow appliance to cool completely before proceeding.
A. Lift the safety barrier up and out to disengage the four hooks. Reverse steps to install.
W415-1714 / A / 06.11.18
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