• The die-cut corrugated template supplied by Kindred follows the exact size and shape of the finished
countertop cut-out.
• The cut-out will reveal approximately 3/8" of the mirror finished sink rim.
• We recommend that the corrugated plug template be used to create a female template from 1/2" plywood.
• Scribe a line that is 1/2" offset from the corrugated template onto 1/2" plywood. Cut on this line with a
jig saw. Sand cut-out edge clean and smooth (Figure 1 - Part A).
1. Clamp 1/2" plywood female template on top
surface of countertop, in desired position.
This position will be determined by
relationship of sink rim to cabinet gables,
cabinet supporting members, and deck
mounted fittings.
2. Trace edge of template with router guide
bushing and straight cutter bit
(Figure 1
Part B).
3. Finish cut-out edge with desired router bit
(ie. chamfer, Roman Ogee etc.).
4. Align sink to cut-out so that a uniform
reveal of approximately 3/8" shows around
the periphery of the cut-out.
Clamp the sink in place.
5. Flip the countertop and sink unit so that the
sink is upside down. Outline the edge of the
sink rim with a pencil line.
6. Remove clamps and sink from countertop.
7. Select position of 1" diameter discs around
rim of sink so that they don't interfere with
cabinet obstructions, or deck mounted
fittings. Discs should be spaced
approximately 12" apart. (Figures 2& 3).
8. Lightly sand bottom of disc and countertop
(beyond pencil line) with 180 grit sandpaper
to prepare for bonding.
9. Remove any sanding residue, and clean with
solvent. Adhesive bond will only be effective
with a clean, oil-free surface.
10. Use Loctite Prism 401 to bond disc to
countertop in desired position. Offset disc
by 1/16" from pencil outline to allow for any
re-alignment of sink.
11. Clean sink rim and countertop mating
surface with solvent.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
12. Assemble sink strainers to sink.
13. Apply a continuous (translucent colour)
14. Position sink within outline of discs.
15. Cut 1/2" thick plywood buildup into 3/4"
16. Lay up plywood strips around the sink rim.
17. Assemble balance of Kindred hardware to
18. Flip countertop and sink unit rightside up.
19. Re-align sink to cut-out, if required.
20. Hand tighten all thumbscrews. Take care not
21. Use additional temporary clamps, if
22. Use a non-abrasive cloth and solvent to
23. Apply silicone to the thumbscrew thread and
24. Leave Homeowner's manual at job site for
silicone bead around the sink rim.
(We recommend Dow Corning 786, or
General Electric SCS1700).
strips (length is dictated by the sink rim
discs (Figure 2), and lightly hand tighten
to overtighten and stress countertop.
necessary, to pull sink rim up to countertop
until silicone seal has cured.
remove excess silicone that has been
squeezed out beyond the cut-out edge.
Do not use any metal implements that
will scratch the sink.
Residual silicone that has cured on the
sink rim may be removed with Silicone be
Gone®, followed by cleaning with Peek®
to remove any tarnish.
bracket joint so that the assembly will not
loosen with vibration.