After the product extract on out of the
package t s necessary to handle t w th care,
do not drop, shake t and a ord other
n uence.
The product s des gned for hor zontal
allocat on onto at surface.
Do not place the product onto sl ppery
surface, n place where t may be exposed to
v brat on or hazard to drop and other
poss ble r sks to the product to be damaged
wh ch may cause nval dat on the product
Do not d spose the product onto soft surface
l ke on the carpet, bed, etc., for such surfaces
cease access to the vent lat on open ngs and
compl cate a r ow that may cause to the
product overheat ng and to nval date
guarantee n result.
Do not locate the product nto the furn ture
n case of vacant clearance around the
product s not prov ded for the su c ent
product vent lat on.
Do not place the product n place where t
may be exposed to n uence of d rect
sunl ght, next to the sources of open f re and
Do not d spose the product on surfaces
wh ch n operat ng process may get warm, for
v deo record player or ntens f er and do not
put anyth ng on the top of the shell as well.
Do not cover the product w th anyth ng.
Conta n ng l qu ds objects, such as vase, plant
pot are not to be placed next to or on the
Do not touch or move the product dur ng ts
operat on. Sw tch o the product f you need
to sh ft t.
The product s ntended for use ndoors.
The power supply cord s to be put to prevent
ts deformat on and jamm ng and touch ng t
The product and accessor es are packed nto recycled package and plast c bags. Please keep all the pack ng mater als for the further transportat on.
OTT Box s del vered w th the follow ng accessor es:
HDMI Cable
Power Supply Un t
In case of absence of any of the spec f ed accessor es please refer to your serv ces prov der.
w th other objects as well. The power supply
cord s not to be la d under the carpets or
blocked w th anyth ng where any damage
may not be not ced.
Power supply un t
The product should be used w th power
supply un t prov ded by the manufacturer
The power supply un t s f tted out w th plug
wh ch s ntended for connect ng to socket n
your country usage. In case of the necess ty n
the product connect ng n other country or n
the reg on w th other data of electr c c rcu t
the power supply un t adopted for use n the
spec f ed area should be rece ved from the
Operat on
The outer power supply un t of the product s
gett ng warm n operat on. In case of outer
power supply un t gets hot, sw tch o
promptly and get n touch w th the
equ pment suppl er for ts replacement.
Protect on from atmospher c electr c ty or
not us ng for a long t me.
On com ng the thunderstorm and also n case
of the product s ntended to be n no use for
a long t me, d sconnect the power supply
cord out of socket, sw tch o Ethernet, v deo
and aud o cables.
It s to protect the product from thunder
d scharges and power surges n the c rcu t..
Instruct on Manual
Batter es for RCU
AAA-s ze 2 pcs.
The Arrangement Des gnat on
The product s des gned to rece ve and record
TV p ctures and sound s gnals. Any other use
s proh b ted.
It means Telecommun cat on Technolog es
ns sts on the product usage n ent rely
accordant to the law of copyr ght.The
compl ance w th the spec f ed laws leaves on
consc ence of the user. The unauthor zed
copy ng of the protected mater als or
spread ng of the spec f ed cop es under
def n te cond t ons may v olate the law of
copyr ght and s to be prev ously adopted by
possessor of the r ghts for the further
commerc al use.
Updat ng Software
The product possesses the capab l ty of
automat c software updat ng.
The manufacturer and your serv ces prov der
reserve the r ght for automat c software
updat ng to mprove the product funct onal
capab l ty.
Dur ng the software updat ng the product
should not be used for watch ng and
sw tched o unt l the complete software
updat ng.
Dur ng the software updat ng the product
sw tch ng o s nadm ss ble. The updat ng
takes several m nutes and s nce then you are
able to cont nue enjoy on all del ghts of
d g tal telev s on serv ces.
Remote Control Un t