or using the cannula. To do so, apply slow, and even pressure
to the syringe plunger (see Figure 2 and 3).
The cannula can be shortened according to the requirements
(e.g. with Cooper scissors, Figure 3).
Fig. 2: Application of cannula for 1cc Calcium
Phosphate Cement Ready to Use
Fig. 3: Application of cannula for 3cc Calcium
Phosphate Cement Ready to Use
The amount of BIOCERA-VET® BS RTU required to fill a defect
depends on the defect size. In order to avoid delays during the
surgical procedure, it should be ensured prior to treatment that
a sufficient number of BIOCERA-VET® BS RTU packages are
available to fill the bone defect completely.
For minimally invasive applications, suitable imaging methods
should be used to monitor the filling of the bone defect.
Setting behavior / hardening
BIOCERA-VET® BS RTU is set after combination or contact
with an aqueous solution, such as body fluids. Prior to contact
with an aqueous solution, BIOCERA-VET® BS RTU can be pro-
cessed indefinitely.
Like all calcium phosphate cements, BIOCERA-VET® BS RTU
must be injected only after final reduction and stabilization of the
bone defect to prevent manipulation during the further hardening
phase and impairing the setting behavior. Once it has been ap-
plied into the bone defect, BIOCERA-VET® BS RTU must not
be manipulated (no dabbing, no corrective measures, no testing
of the hardening, etc.).
Since BIOCERA-VET® BS RTU is hardened with the
surrounding fluid, the strength development depends on the