Duress or alert
V44 Duo is equipped with an output that can be activated
for one of the following reasons:
A user enters a duress code
The door held warning time expires or the door is
forced open
Choose which alternative to use. Then connect e.g. a bur-
glar alarm or similar to the output.
Zero opening
To make entrance easier, e.g. during office hours, connect
an external contact. Then use the contact to activate or
deactivate zero opening, i.e. opening the door by pressing
the zero button on the keypad. Note that this is only applies
to relay output 1.
Unlock the door permanently
If the Toggle function is activated, the code can be used to
unlock the door. The door remains open until a valid code is
entered once again (see the Toggle on/off section).
Door bell
If needed, a door bell can be connected to V44 Duo. To ring
the bell, the visitor presses the button labelled with a bell on
the code lock's keypad.
Power supply
Ensure that the power supply is stable and within the rated
voltage of the unit. Use an uninterrupted power supply
(UPS) to ensure a continuous function of the unit in the
event of power dips on the mains supply.
V44 Duo Installation & User manual