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The Spotify Software is subject to third party
licenses found here:
All qobuz trademarks, service marks, trade
names, logos, domain names, and any other
features of the qobuz brand are the sole
property of Xandrie S.A. or its licensors.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned
by the Bluetooth SIG Inc. and any use of
such marks by Elipson is under license. Other
trademarks and trade names are those of their
respective owners.
Juin 2020 © par
Qualcomm aptX is a product of Qualcomm
Technologies International, Ltd. Qualcomm
is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated,
registered in the United States and other
countries, used with permission. aptX is a
trademark of Qualcomm Technologies
International, Ltd., registered in the United States
and other countries, used with permission.
Elipson Music Center Connect HD
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