User manual
D e v i c e d e s c r i p t i o n
The switch-off temperature can be set steplessly at the rotary knob (item 1). The range extends from
off (0) through frost protec on () to approx. 85 °C. It should be set to approx. 65 °C for reasons of
The opera ng light (item 2) lights when the hea ng element is in opera on.
O p e r a t i o n
The required temperature can be set by se3ng the temperature control (item 1) to the required tem-
perature. When the temperature has been reached, the device automa cally switches off and switches
on again if necessary. If you only want frost protec on when you are on holiday, you can turn the rota-
ry knob to the required posi on ().
User manual
S a f t e y t e m p e r a t u r e l i m i t e r
If the safety temperature limiter has tripped, you can reset it with a "00 screwdriver" through the
opening marked "Reset". This cannot be done un l the temperature has cooled down by approx. 10 K.
Flange heater Ø 180 mm
for the user and qualified installer
Item 1
Item 2
for the qualified installer
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Temperature control
Opera ng light
Temperature control
Opera ng light
Reset buBon
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