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Infantino Infinity Mode D'emploi page 2


WARNING: The following warnings

 s pecifically 

 f or 

 u se 

 w ith 

 u pright 

chairs or shopping carts:

 P revent serious injury or death from falls or sliding out.

 A lways 

 s ecure 

 t he 

 b aby 

 i nto 

 t he 

 c arrier 

 w ith 

 t he 

 " child 

 s afety 

 r estraints," 

 a nd 

always secure the carrier into the upright chair (or shopping cart)
as directed.


 u se 


 t ray, 

 t able, 

 o r 

 o ther 

 d evice 

 t o 

 h old 

 t he 

 c hild 

 i n 

 a n 

 u pright 

 c hair; 




 t he 

 c arrier 

 m ust 


 b e 

 p roperly 

 a ttached 

 t o 

 t he 

 c hair.
• Baby must be able to sit upright without assistance before using this carrier
with an upright chair (or shopping cart) to avoid possible back or neck injury.
• Continue to follow any and all instructions and warnings that are posted on
the shopping cart.
Helpful Hints:
* The Infinity

 C arrier 

 i s 

 a ctually 

 fi ve 

 p roducts 

 i n 

 o ne: 

 y ou 

 c an 

 " wear" 

 i t 

 a s




 b aby 

 c arrier 

 i n 

 t hree 

 d ifferent 

 p ositions, 

 a nd 

 y ou 

 c an 

 u se 

 i t 

 t o 

 s ecure
your child into a shopping cart or a dining room chair.

 C hanging 

 f rom 

 o ne 

 u se 

 t o 

 a nother 

 i s 

 q uite 

 s imple. 

 Y ou 

 c an 

 c arry 

 b aby
in the carrier and quickly convert it to use in a shopping cart or on



 a n 

 u pright 

 c hair, 

 w ithout 

 r emoving 

 b aby 

 f rom 

 t he 

 c arrier.

 W earing 

 t he 

 c arrier 

 h igh 

 u p 

 o n 

 y our 

 c hest 

 ( or 

 b ack) 

 w ill 

 m inimize 

 t he 












stress to your back.

 F acing-­In 

 P osition 


 B aby Facing Toward you:
* Keep baby in the "Face-In" position until they are able to hold their
head upright. This position is great for bonding as it keeps baby in direct


 c ontact 

 w ith 

 y ou 

 a nd 

 c lose 

 t o 

 y our 

 h eart. 

 I n 

 t his 

 p osition, 

 y ou'll 

 b e 

 a ble 





to easily interact and engage with baby while also enjoying the hands
free convenience of your new carrier.
* Getting baby in and out of carrier can be a bit easier if you do so



 w hile 

 s eated. 

 U ntil 

 y ou 

 b ecome 

 m ore 

 f amiliar 

 w ith 

 y our 

 c arrier, 

 w e 

recommend preparing for use over a soft surface.
* In the Facing-­In 

 P osition 

 o nly 


 T he 

 B ib/Hood 

 ( included 

 w ith 

 y our 

 c arrier), 





can be used to protect your clothing (bib) or to protect your baby from
the weather (hood).
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Helpful Hints:
* A handy storage pocket located on the front of the carrier is perfect to
store the bib/hood when it is not in use.

 F acing-­Out 

 P osition 


 B aby Facing Away from you:
* Once 

 y our 

 b aby 

 i s 

 a ble 

 t o 

 h old 

 h is/her 

 h ead 

 u p, 

 y our 

 b aby 

 i s 

 r eady 

 f or 






 n ew 

 a dventure. 

 T his 

 p osition 

 a llows 

 t he 

 c hild 

 t o 

 v isually 

 e xplore 

 t heir 



surroundings while maintaining close contact with you.
* How do you know if your baby is riding at the right height in the front?




 Y ou 

 s hould 

 b e 

 a ble 

 t o 

 t ilt 

 y our 

 h ead 

 f orward 

 a nd 

 k iss 

 t he 

 t op 

 o f 

 y our 





 b aby's 

 h ead. 


 B ackpack 

 P osition 


 B aby Facing Towards you:

 W hen 

 y our 

 l ittle 

 o ne 

 c an 

 f ully 

 s it 

 u p 

 o n 

 h is/her 

 o wn, 

 p utting 

 t hem 

 o n 

 y our 



back allows you to carry your baby comfortably for longer periods of
* First time users should be assisted by another person until they are



 c omfortable 

 fi tting 

 t he 

 c arrier 

 o n 

 t heir 

 o wn.


 5 . 

 S hopping 

 C arts 

 a nd 

 U pright 

 C hairs

 W hen 

 y our 

 b aby 

 i s 

 a ble 

 t o 

 s it 

 u pright 

 o n 

 h is/her 

 o wn, 

 t his 

 c arrier 

 w ill 

 t urn



 a n 

 u pright 

 c hair 

 i nto 


 s ecure 

 s eat 

 f or 

 y our 

 b aby, 

 o r 

 a ny 

 s hopping 

 c art
into a more comfortable environment.
Care Instructions

 w ash 

 c old, 

 s eparately, 

 o n 

 g entle 

 c ycle 

 w ith 

 m ild 

 d etergent. 


 N OT 

 b leach. 

 W ipe 

 c lean 

 w ith 


 c loth 

 o r 

 s ponge 

 b etween 

 m achine 

washings. Drip dry only. DO NOT use dryer. DO NOT iron.

















Produits Connexes pour Infantino Infinity