AlTerATion of The mio pedomeTer. ThiS inCludeS Any dAmAge To The mio ThAT
AppeArS To be CAuSed by The uSe of ToolS. wiThouT limiTing The foregoing,
dAmAge reSulTing from bending or dropping The mio pedomeTer will be
deemed To reSulT from AbuSe or miSuSe. ThiS wArrAnTy iS void if The CASe
of The mio pedomeTer hAS been opened or oTherwiSe TAmpered wiTh. There
iS A u.S. $12.00 ChArge for hAndling, poSTAge & inSurAnCe on wArrAnTy
repAirS. ConTACT phySi-CAl CuSTomer ServiCe To ArrAnge for wArrAnTy
repAir or replACemenT by phoning 1-877-770-1116. iT CAn TAke up To Six
weekS To reCeive your replACemenT/repAired mio pedomeTer AfTer your
defeCTive uniT hAS been reCeived AT our wArehouSe. pleASe noTe ThAT only
your originAl reTAiler CAn offer refund ACCording To Their own TermS &
you CAn AlSo ConTACT uS To ArrAnge To reCeive reTurn/replACemenT
Shipping AuThorizATion: Toll free 1-877-770-1116 fAx 1-309-689-6543.
neiTher The wArrAnTy nor Any oTher wArrAnTy, expreSS or implied,
inCluding implied wArrAnTieS of merChAnTAbiliTy, ShAll exTend beyond
The wArrAnTy period (one yeAr from dATe of originAl purChASe). no
reSponSibiliTy iS ASSumed for Any inCidenTAl or ConSequenTiAl dAmAge,
inCluding buT noT limiTed To dAmAge reSulTing from inACCurACy of The
produCT or Any of iTS funCTionS. The lAwS of Some juriSdiCTionS do noT
Allow The exCluSion or limiTATion of inCidenTAl or ConSequenTiAl dAmAgeS
So ThAT The Above limiTATionS or exCluSionS mAy noT Apply To you. The
wArrAnTy giveS you SpeCifiC legAl righTS & you mAy hAve oTher righTS ThAT
vAry from STATe To STATe. ThiS wArrAnTy iS void unleSS The mio pedomeTer
iS purChASed from An AuThorized mio reSeller.
All manuals and user guides at
WarrantY anD repaIrS COntaCt
toll-free: 1-877-770-1116
Fax: 1-309-689-6543
made in China
eu reSidenTS: do not dispose of this
product as unsorted municipal waste.
it is your responsibility to return this
product to local recycling service.
physi-Cal enterprises inc. declares this
pedometer in compliance with emC
directive 2004/108/eC. A copy of the
declaration of Conformity is available on
request from our Customer Service.