To weigh and measure
1. After setting up of the data, when LCD displays 0.0, you
may weigh or stand on the scale platform directly, the weight
value will be shown after a few seconds.
2. After the weight is stable, the flashing
" 0 " means that the scale is measuring
the fat, the "0" signal moves from left
to right for two times, and then shows
the data
Display the measurement
After the measuring, if the user
don't choose the user No, the scale
will automatically identify the users
according to the weight. And the LCD
will display the weight, fat, water,
muscle and bone data for three times.
Automatically identify the user measurement
When the user stand on the scale directly, the scale will turn
on and lock the weight.
When the weight is stable, display moving "0" means it is
measuring. If it can identify the user successfully, it will display
the measurement. If it detects many similar weight, it will
display the relative user No., Use up to choose the left user
No. and use down to choose the right user No. After finished
choosing the user, it will display the measurement and turn off.
If you don't choose the user, it will display the user No. several seconds and turn off.
If it occurred error or it can't identify the user, it will display the present weight and
turn off.