Goetze 451r Instructions De Montage, D'utilisation Et D'entretien page 35

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  • FR

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General safety instructions
• Only use the valve:
- as intended
- in proper condition
- with safety- and danger awareness
• The installation instructions are to be observed.
• Faults that could affect safety must be rectified immediately.
• Valves are exclusively designed for the areas of use listed in
these installation instructions. Any other use or extended use is
considered improper.
• Removal of the seal will void the factory warranty.
• All installation work is to be performed by authorized
Opće sigurnosne napomene
• Ventil koristiti samo:
- za navedenu namjenu
- u besprijekornom stanju
- uzimajući u obzir sigurnost i moguće opasnosti
• Uvijek poštujte upute za postavljanje.
• Sve smetnje koje bi mogle ugroziti sigurnost, moraju se odmah
• Ventili su namijenjeni isključivo za raspon primjene, opisan u ovim
uputama za postavljanje. Druga ili posredna mogućnost uporabe
smatra se nepropisnom.
• Jamstvo proizvođača za podešenost ventila postaje ništavno i
nevažeće ako se ukloni zapečaćena kapa.
• Sve montažne radove mora obaviti ovlašteno stručno osoblje.
Assembly and maintenance instructions - 451r / 851r | Version: 09/2022 · V01


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