Normally new pulverised detergent is with out phosphate. Thus the water softener function of
phosphate is not given. In this case we recommend to fill salt in the salt con taine r even when
the hardness of water is only 6 dH. If dete rgents witho ut phosphate are used in the case of hard water
often white spots appear on d ishes and glasses. In this case please add more detergent to reach
better results. Detergents without chlorine do only bleach a little. Stron g and coloured spots will not
be removed completely. In this case please choose a program with a higher temperature.
Concentrated Detergent
Based on their chemical composition, deterge nts can be split in two basic types:
conventional, alkaline dete rgents with caus tic comp onents
low alkalin e co ncentrated detergen ts with n atural enzymes
The use of normal
washing progra ms in combination with concentrated detergen ts
reduces pollution and is good for your dishes; these wash p rograms are specifically matche d
to the dirt-dissolving properties o f the enzymes of the concentrated de terg ent. For this reason
normal wash programs in which conce ntrated detergents are used can achie ve the same
results that c an otherwise only be ach ieved using
Detergent Tablets
Detergent tablets of diffe rent brands disso lve at different speeds. For this reason some
detergent tablets cannot dissolve and develop the ir full cleaning power during short
programs. There fore please use long programs wh en u sin g deterg ent tablets, to
ensure the complete removal of detergent residua ls.
Detergent Dispenser
The dispenser must be refilled before the start of each wash cycle following the instructions
provided in the wash cycle table . Your dis hwa sher uses less de tergent and rinse aid than
Conventional dis hwa sher. Generally, only one tablespoon of detergent is needed for
a normal wash load. More heavily soiled items need more detergent. Alway s ad d the
detergent just be fore starting the dish was her, otherwise it could get damp and will not
dissolve properly.
Amount of Detergent to Use
Prop er Use of De terg ent
Use only deterge nt specifically made for the use in dishwashers. Keep your detergent fresh and dry.
Don't put powdered d etergent into the dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
If the lid is closed: press release button. T he lid will sp ring open.
Always add the detergent just before starting each wash cycle.
Only use branded detergent aid for dishwasher.
Dishwasher detergent is corrosive! Take care to keep it out of reach of c hildren.
Detergent powder
Detergent tablet