Manual: Laserworld ShowNET - Network Interface
4. Device Connections
Power in (PSU 12V)
LAN connection
ILDA out
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Address Settings
5. Operation
Technical overview:
- X/Y scanner output with 12 bit resolution (4096 different positions on each axis)
- Up to 6 color output with 8 bit resolution (256 different values per
color channels): red, green, blue, intensity, user defined 1, user defined 2
- DMX512 input and output (non-isolated)
- 10/100 Mbit Ethernet port
- Flexible IP address setting: fixed address, DHCP or AutoIP
- Micro-SD card slot for ILDA file playback (ILDA format code 5 RGB)
- Built-in laser figures for stand alone operation
- Stand alone operation via DMX control or auto trigger
- maximum scan speed of up to 150kpps
- Up to 16 devices can be used in parallel for multi-projector laser shows
The DIP switches can be used to select the desired operating mode. A change in the operation
mode requires a restart of the device (unplug and replug the power supply). Do not change
and DIP switch settings during operation, random and dangerous laser output can occur.
Operation Modes
(Firmware version: 20190520x - Admin tool: v1.33)
Download admin tool
For testing the show laser system and for other purposes, like uploading ILDA files to the
SD card without the need for an external card reader, download the admin tool here:
Open the „ShowNET-Admin_Tool.exe" whenever this manual refers to the admin
IMPORTANT: It's not possible to access the admin tool, when you are accessing the la-
ser system via software (Showeditor, Showcontroller, etc.). When opening the admin tool
while accessing the laser system in a non-direct-control operation mode, the admin tool
asks to press on a button to switch to network mode for manual control.
Direct computer control
Connect the laser system to the ShowNET interface by using an ILDA cable. Do not con-
nect the laser to the standard parallel port at the computer, but always use an appropria-
te ILDA interface. Connect the ShowNET interface to your computer by using an ethernet
cable (RJ45 standard). After that the laser can becontrolled by a show laser control soft-
Standard network switches can be used to connect multiple laser systems at once.
Manual: Laserworld ShowNET - Network Interface
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