Installing MultiChannel Connector into Mold
1. Secure the multi-channel connector in the mold with
two screws, while at the same time securing the Fischer
connector cap with one screw. When installing two
multi-channel connectors the red marker plate (Art.No.
3.520.103) may be used to color-code one connector
(Fig. 4+5).
2. Secure the identification plate with details of the system
number, serial number and sensor sensitivity to the mold
(Fig. 5).
Fig. 4: Connector Type 1708B... in the mold
Fig. 5: Connector mounting Type 1708B... with identification plate
Testing the Installed Sensors
The sensitivity and insulation of each sensor is verified with
the tester Type 5495B... .
The cables required are as follows:
Type 1999A1A0,5 for 4-channel Connector Type 1708B...
Type 1999A2A0,5 for 8-channel Connector Type 1710B...