General installation rules:
Before installation, please read the steps in the in-
structions and product maintenance. It is imperative
to follow the order of the installation steps with the
general installation rules:
• Do not install items in case of finding defects or da-
mage to purchased items.
• Observe safety regulations and use safety glasses
and gloves when drilling holes.
Maintenance and use:
When using the shelf, check for looseness of the mo-
unting screws as needed. Do not use rough sponges
or components containing abrasives for cleaning.
This may cause tarnishing or scratching of the sur-
face. Do not use cleaners containing solvents, acids,
or cooking vinegar. Test the cleaning agent on an in-
conspicuous area of the product first. Clean the sur-
face with a soft cloth or paper towel.
NOTE!!! Excessive loads on products create a hazard
during use and risk permanent damage.