Sauder Adept Storage 418138 Mode D'emploi
Sauder Adept Storage 418138 Mode D'emploi

Sauder Adept Storage 418138 Mode D'emploi

Meuble de rangement étroit

Narrow Storage Cabinet
Adept Storage Collection | 418138
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English pg 1-22
Français pg 23-25
Español pg 26-28
Lot # 367111
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Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Sauder Adept Storage 418138

  • Page 1 Adept Storage Collection | 418138 NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. Need help? Visit to view video assembly tips or chat with a live rep. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Prefer the phone? Call 1-800-523-3987.
  • Page 2 Assembly Tools Required Part Identifi cation No. 2 Phillips Screwdriver Tip Shown Actual Size Hardware Identifi cation Assembly Steps 5-22 Hammer Not actual size Français 23-25 Español 26-28 Skip the power trip. Safety 29-30 This time. Warranty Page 2 418138
  • Page 3: Part Identifi Cation

    Use this part identifi cation to help identify similar parts. RIGHT END (1) BACK (1) LEFT LEG (1) LEFT END (1) DOOR (1) TOP MOLDING (1) TOP (1) ADJUSTABLE SHELF (3) DOOR MOLDING (2) HINGE UPRIGHT (1) BASE (1) BOTTOM (1) RIGHT LEG (1) 418138 Page 3...
  • Page 4 NAIL - 40 METAL PIN - 12 CAM COVER - 11 BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW - 14 BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW - 3 SILVER 3/4" MACHINE SCREW - 2 SILVER 5/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW - 6 Page 4 418138
  • Page 5 Look for this icon. It means a Step 1 video assembly tip is available at Assemble your unit on a carpeted fl oor or on the empty å carton to avoid scratching your unit or the fl oor. Push four SMALL HIDDEN CAMS (29F) into the holes in å...
  • Page 6 Do not tighten the HIDDEN CAMS in this step. å the ENDS (A and B). Arrow Do not insert CAM DOWELS into these parts. Arrow (16 used) Arrow Arrow Insert the metal end of the CAM (8 used) DOWEL into the HIDDEN CAM. Page 6 418138
  • Page 7 Step 3 Turn four CAM SCREWS (8F) into the å DOOR MOLDINGS (M). Remember: Righty tighty. Lefty loosey. 418138 Page 7...
  • Page 8 NOTE: Be sure all angled edges on the DOOR MOLDINGS (M) å are facing the fl oor as shown in the enlarged diagram. Caution Inspect the parts thoroughly before assembling. Disassembly of glued parts is extremely diffi cult. Angled edge Page 8 418138
  • Page 9 Tighten Risk of damage or Arrow injury. HIDDEN CAMS must be completely Arrow Maximum tightened. HIDDEN 210 degrees CAMS that are not completely tightened may loosen, and parts may separate. To Minimum completely tighten: 190 degrees 418138 Page 9...
  • Page 10 Fasten the RIGHT END (A) to the TOP (C) and å BOTTOM (E). Tighten four HIDDEN CAMS. Maximum Arrow 210 degrees Minimum 190 degrees Edge with HIDDEN CAMS i t h o f a c S u r D E N H I D Page 10 418138
  • Page 11 Fasten the TOP MOLDING (L) to the ENDS (A and B) and BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW å (6 used in this step) TOP (C). Use three BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S) through the METAL BRACKETS and into the ENDS and TOP. Flat edge 418138 Page 11...
  • Page 12 RIGHT or the LEFT. If you choose the DOOR to open to the RIGHT, go to Step 10 now. If you choose the DOOR to open to the LEFT, continue with the next step. DOOR opening to the RIGHT DOOR opening to the LEFT Page 12 418138
  • Page 13 å the TIE PLATE/DOOR STOP (3G). Continue on to Step 11 now. å DOOR opening to the LEFT BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW Arrow (1 used for the TIE PLATE) Locator hole (12 used) Angled edge 418138 Page 13...
  • Page 14 Push a LARGE RUBBER SLEEVE (58G) over the end of å the TIE PLATE/DOOR STOP (3G). DOOR opening to the RIGHT BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW (1 used in this step) (12 used) Locator hole Angled edge Arrow Page 14 418138
  • Page 15 Step 11 Fasten the LEGS (J and K) to the ENDS (A and B). Tighten å eight HIDDEN CAMS. Angled edge 418138 Page 15...
  • Page 16 DOOR to open to the RIGHT. Fasten the HINGE UPRIGHT (D) to the TOP (C) å and BOTTOM (E). Use two BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (2S). Surface with HIDDEN CAMS BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step) Page 16 418138
  • Page 17 Use three BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S) through the TIE PLATE/DOOR STOPS and METAL BRACKET and into the BASE. BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW (6 used in this step) Surface without TIE PLATE/ DOOR STOPS Flat edge 418138 Page 17...
  • Page 18 BACK fastened. The unit may collapse. Push on opposite corners of your unit if needed to make it "square". Fasten the BACK (F) to your unit using the NAILS (1N). å NAIL (40 used in this step) Page 18 418138
  • Page 19 Place three HINGE SPACERS (22H) over the large holes å in the DOORS (G). Fasten three HINGES (14H) to the DOOR (G). Use six å SILVER 5/8" FLAT HEAD SCREWS (23S). SILVER 5/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW (6 used in this step) 418138 Page 19...
  • Page 20 3/4" MACHINE SCREWS (20S). See the next step for DOOR adjustments. å Stop Mounting screw Hinge 113K Open edge should face away from the edge of the door. SILVER 3/4" MACHINE SCREW (2 used for the PULL) Page 20 418138
  • Page 21 To adjust the DOORS in or out (depth), loosen the mounting å screw one turn and move the DOORS in or out, as needed. Tighten the mounting screw after making adjustments. Mounting screw (depth) Adjusting screw (horizontal) (vertical adjustment) 418138 Page 21...
  • Page 22 (1 used into a stud in your wall) No load BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW (1 used into the top of your unit) 25 lbs. 25 lbs. 25 lbs. (12 used) 50 lbs. (11 used) To cover HIDDEN CAMS Page 22 418138
  • Page 23: Meuble De Rangement Étroit

    QUANTITÉ d’ a chat de cet élément et conserver le livret pour future référence. EXTRÉMITÉ DROITE ..........1 EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE ....20 Pour contacter Sauder EXTRÉMITÉ GAUCHE ..........1 CHEVILLE D'EXCENTRIQUE ......8 en ce qui concerne cet DESSUS ................1 VIS D'EXCENTRIQUE ..........16 élément, faire référence...
  • Page 24 Attention: Risque des dégâts ou blessures. Les Excentriques Escamotables doivent être serrés à bloc. Les Excentriques Escamotables que ne sont pas serrées à bloc peuvent desserrer et les pièces peuvent séparer. Pour serrer à bloc, faire tourner l'excentrique escamotable de 210 degrés. Page 24 418138
  • Page 25 REMARQUE : Prière de lire les informations importantes sur la sécurité fi gurant sur les pages arrière du manuel d’instructions. Ceci complète l'assemblage. Nettoyer à l’ a ide d’une encaustique pour meubles ou d’un chiff on humide. Essuyer. 418138 Page 25...
  • Page 26: Lista De Partes

    EXCÉNTRICO ESCONDIDO ......20 et conserver le livret pour future référence. EXTREMO IZQUIERDO ..........1 PASADOR DE EXCÉNTRICO ......8 Pour contacter Sauder PANEL SUPERIOR ............1 BIELA DE EXCÉNTRICO ........16 en ce qui concerne cet PARAL DE BISAGRA ..........1 26F PASADOR DE MADERA .........4 élément, faire référence...
  • Page 27 PLACA DE CONEXIÓN/TOPE DE PUERTA (3G). apretarse completamente. Los Excéntricos Escondidos que no se aprieten completamente se afl ojarán y las partes pueden separarse. Para apretar completamente, atornille el excéntrico escondido 210 grados. 418138 Page 27...
  • Page 28 NOTA: Por favor, lea las páginas de atrás del folleto de instrucciones en cuanto a importante información de seguridad. Esto completa el ensamblaje. Limpie con su pulimento para muebles preferido o un paño húmedo. Seque con un paño. Page 28 418138
  • Page 29 • Ne pas pousser le mobilier, surtout sur la être très lourd. moquette. Se faire aider par une autre personne pour soulever l’élément et le mettre en place. • Cette unité doit être placée contre un mur. 418138 Page 29...
  • Page 30 • No empuje la unidad, especialmente sobre ser muy pesado. un piso alfombrado. Pide la ayuda de otra persona para levantar la unidad y colocarla en lugar. • Esta unidad debe ser colocada contra una pared. Page 30 418138
  • Page 31: Garantie Limitée De 5 Ans

    GARANTIE LIMITÉE DE 5 ANS 1. Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder®) off re une couverture de garantie limitée à l’ a cheteur 4. La présente garantie ne s’ a pplique qu’ a ux défauts garantis qui se produisent pour initial du présent produit pendant une période de cinq ans à...
  • Page 32 Dear Valued Customer: So, how did it go? Thanks so much for choosing Sauder® furniture. I hope the Set a world record for speed? purchase and assembly process was a positive experience Feeling good about yourself? and you feel good about the furniture you just built. If you Nice.

Table des Matières