Power Frequency: 50HZ, 60HZ for choice, press OK to confirm and exit.
Power Save: press OK to enter this window, 1min/3min/5min/OFF for choice
which means after 1min/3min/5min no operate the camera, the unit will be closed
to save power, choose OFF it will close this function
Panel Protect: 30s/1min/3min/OFF which means after 30s/1min/3min no operate
the unit, screen will turn black to save power, if OFF is chosen, this function will be
Date&Time: click OK to enter the window, use up/down key to change the time,
press mode to switch among date, month, year, hour, minute, press OK to confirm.
Press mode to return.
Language: English/Swedish/Polish/Danish to make choice.
Format: if you choose yes, the micro SD card will be formatted and if choose no
files will be kept.
Reset: if yes camera will be reset to original situation.
Version: software version, press OK to exit.
Connecting to computer
Power off the camera and connect the camera to the computer with USB cable,
screen will be shown like bellow and computer will read the card from the camera,
then please click the name of DCIM. Here you can view and copy the contents of
the Micro SD card.
Connecting the camera to PC or charger will be done as charging for the camera,
and the camera will be powered on automatically. Charging under VIDEO/
PLAYBACK, the camera will be treated as a USB disc, and only reading contents
is available, but under PHOTO mode, you can take photos, change settings, etc.