Terms of use
Temperature range -40° to 70°Celsius (- 40° to 158° Fahrenheit).
The voltage must not exceed 20 volts.
Wire cross-sections must be used according to the technical specifications (0.35
to 0.75 mm², 0.5mm² recommended).
Thoroughly verify that the wires that are being used are in good condition: not
cut nor damaged.
Electrical connections are carried out by connectors that need wire stripping to
be connected.
Raylight Technologies can in no way be held responsible for the mounting of the
device and it is strongly advised to use of professionals for the assembly.
The generator has to be protected from:
Moisture: exposed to an environment less than 80% of humidity level.
Water: sheltered from rain, sprinklers ...
Flammable or explosive material: there must be a minimum of 1m between the
source and the generator
Heavy mechanical stress: vibrations, twists, inflections, shears etc... that may
cause rupture of the support resulting in damage of the generator (risks of
electrical short-circuits).
Do not power on the generator if LEDs are not connected
Do not look at the strobe when operate at less than 1m
Used on not certified aircraft only
Aérodrome du Versoud
Last Update: 11/10/2022
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