On the other side of the page please enter the number of elevator group you have in
this installation and how many elevators you have in the group. As an example, if this
is a simplex installation the number of elevator groups will be "1" and the number of
elevators will also be "1". If it's a duplex installation it will be "1" and "2" respectively.
You can also edit the group names to easily identify installations. Once all information
is entered click "Next".
In the new page, you should be able to see "Groups" and "Elevators". Click on "Add
gateway" under the term "Gateway" and select the "DCP" option (see example image
below). A pop up window will appear where you can enter the SIM information (Note:
Avire SIM cards have the country code (+31), but this has no impact on costs). Enter all
required information and then click "Apply".
Note: The Background Call Period is the frequency of test checks and 72hrs is the
maximum period as per guidance from standards.