1. Download and install the TMC Reef Connect App from the Apple App Store
or Google Play Store.
2. Turn on Bluetooth connectivity on your smartphone or tablet
3. Press the Connect button on the pump controller to enable
Bluetooth connectivity
4. The LCD screen on the controller will display - - - -
5. Open the TMC Reef Connect App
6. Select Reef Pump Connect icon
7. Select your Reef Pump Connect pump – this will be designated by the
prefix "ZK-" (in example below ZK-P-C782)
8. Press Connect
Please Note: It can take a few moments to search and find the Reef
Pump Connect
9. Adjust and control the pump settings as required from your
Please Note: The Feed time can be adjusted from 10 minutes to 50
minutes on the TMC Reef Connect App
10. Bluetooth connectivity will be disconnected when you close the TMC
Reef Connect App
Please Note: The Reef Pump Connect Controller and TMC Reef Connect
App do NOT sync settings. It is best practice to keep to one
programming method to avoid confusion. If concerned about security
of pump control we advise using the manual controller only NOT
Bluetooth connectivity.