General information
Holding warm with induction technology
The induction coil (2) located under the cover plate (1) generates an alternating electromagnetic field (3)
which, through the eddy current effect, generates heat directly at the bottom of an inductive dish (4).
Automatic dish detection only switches the generator on when an inductive dish is detected on top of
the unit.
Key advantages of using induction technology for hot holding:
High effectiveness of around 95% – high efficiency – high warming capacity – minimal power loss
Ready to be used immediately at full power because electrical energy is converted instantly into heat in the
dishes base – no heat-up time!
Low energy consumption compared to conventional warming systems (up to 90%)
Lower heat radiation compared to other warming systems = pleasant room climate
Flat surfaces for easy cleaning and the best possible hygiene
Lowest operating costs (energy, cleaning, refilling of burning paste, etc.)
High operational safety thanks to safety electronics (dish detection, idle protection, overheating
NOTE: Only use induction-capable, appropriately marked dishes.
Incorrect and damaged dishes can be dangerous for the InductWarm
food can lead to excessive heating of the power electronics and reduce their service life. If the dishes overheat by
bringing them to a high temperature when they are empty or used without moist food, the characteristics of the
dish's material can also change. For example, overheating can cause bulges in the bottom of the dish or cause
porcelain to break. This thereby reduced the ability of the dish to use inductive power.
Using dented dishes is dangerous! Due to the deformation of the dish's bottom, these types of dishes do not lie
flat on the surface. Overheating to very high temperatures (until glowing) may not be prevented automatically,
which can have serious consequences for your InductWarm
consequential to staff members.
The induction units are designed for a certain size range of dishes. Dishes within this size range work efficiently
well. Under certain circumstances, dishes that are too small cannot be detected by the automatic dish detection
system, resulting in a power supply that remains switched off. Dishes that are much too large cannot absorb
power with their entire bottom surface, and therefore, they warm at a slower rate and may not reach the desired
device! The use of dishes without moist
140 device. In the worst case, this may also be