Infrared Window (IR)
This is fitted to the RX+ Receiver for future compatibly with next
generation Fox light products.
Vibrating alert function
The RX+ Receiver includes a vibrating alert function which can
be enabled by a switch on the back of the unit with this symbol
above it.
When enabled, the unit will vibrate on each trigger from an
RX+ Micron. By reducing the volume to zero, this allows for
discrete, silent operation.
Bivvy light function
The RX+ Receiver incorporates a small bivvy light which is triggered
automatically when this function is switched on.
To prevent disturbing the user unnecessarily, it does not illuminate
unless at least three beeps are received in a short space of time. Once
illuminated, the bivvy light stays on until the last LED extinguishes, after
which the bivvy light fades out.
Note that when the bivvy light feature is enabled, the brightness of the
indicator LEDs is reduced to prevent glare.
The bivvy light function is enabled by a switch on the back of the unit
with this symbol above it.