Original manual. The product complies with Directive
This skimmer is a filtering system that allows the
removal of the surfactants from seawater. It pumps
seawater and air bubbles into a mixing chamber. By
exploiting the properties of the film surface tension
between air and water, it generates a foam overflowing
from the main chamber accumulating surfactants
extracted into a collection cup.
Warning: The use of the product involves reading,
understanding and acceptance of all conditions set
forth in the "Safety" manual attached. If you do not find
that manual immediately, contact our office!
Clean thoroughly with water and vinegar (diluted to
10%) each component that will go into contact with
water. Products that contains alcohol or solvents can
damage the acrylic.
1- Cover
2- Cup
3- Neck
4- Cup drain
5- Body
6- Diffusor
7- Pump
8- Venturi
9- Water flow adjusting screw
10- Valve
11- Silencer
12- Air hose
Warning: This skimmer is designed to work only with
salt water (salinity 35‰).
Place the skimmer inside the sump tank in a
comfortable and easily accessible position.
Warning: Adjust the water level in the sump to about
Keep water level stable by overflow bulkheads or
through high quality osmocontroller.