NOTE: Buttons of controller +,‐, start/Stop only work if you're using manual model, they don't work with
automatic mode.
‐Do not think walking is simple extremity motor. There are many researches verify that regular walking can
exercise each part of body efficiently.
‐Walking more than 3 hours a week can reduce 35%‐40% risk of CVD.
‐Walking 3 days a week for more than 45 minutes each time can prevent senile dementia.
‐Walking helps producing endorphin and making people happy.
It is recommended by cardiovascular health specialists as it helps fight multiple diseases:
. About weight and hypertension
. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
. Prevents the appearance of varicose veins
.Regulates and stabilizes cardiac activity
The movement of the walker also helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, as well as eliminate the
inflammation of knees and ankles.
It is very suitable for older people who have difficulty moving or those who spend many hours sitting. It is
also indicated for athletes in the rehabilitation phase or to relax the muscles once the sport is done.