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Preparing the stove
Please inspect the stove for damage caused during transport immediately after deliv-
ery and notify your distributor in case there are any defects. Do not put the stove
into operation in the meantime.
In order to avoid damaging the stove during installation and to make handling of the
stove easier, it is recommended to remove previously all loose parts (fire-resistant
bricks, ashtray, ...) from the stove. Note the location of those parts while removing
them, so that you have no difficulties in re-assembling the parts.
The stove will be supplied with the following parts:
A connection collar with fixings
A blanking plate with fixings
A "cold handle" for the door
A "cold handle" to pull out the ashtray
A scraper for the ashes
3.2.1. Smoke outlet
Your stove is suitable for two
connections: a top or a rear
Upon supply, the top and rear
exhausts have been left open.
Depending on the position cho-
sen, one opening can be cov-
ered with the blanking plate
supplied (2); the other one can
be equipped with the connec-
tion collar supplied (1) (see
picture). Use the fixings sup-
plied and be sure to tightly seal
the connection collar and the
blanking plate to the stove by
means of the kit or paste sup-
In order to make the connection
easier, the top plate (3) may
simply be removed from the
stove and replaced afterwards.
The blanking plate (2) is de-
signed such that, in case of rear
mounting, it seems to be an
integral part of the top plate; in
case of top mounting, it can
cover the rear opening without disturbing the outer appearance.