5. The introduction of the MENU
Press MENU to enter into the MENU interface, which including 9 choices (Pic 5-0).
The user can press CUR or ADD and FACE or BATCH to make the selection, then press START | ENTER or START || ENTER to confirm.
1. SPEED: counting speed setting.
2. SERIAL NUMBERS: serial number setting and checking.
3. LEVELS: sensitivity level setting.
4. ALARM SOUND: alarm beep setting.
5. SET TIME: time setting.
6. UPDATE: software upgrade setting.
7. COLLECT: data collection.
8. VERSION: version checking.
9. LANGUAGES: choose language.
5.1 Speed
In the MENU choose SPEED and press CUR or ADD and FACE or BATCH select a counting speed,
then press START | ENTER or START || ENTER to confirm; at last, press ORIENT or +1/+10 to back to the
previous interface (pic 5-1).
Pic 5-0
Pic 5-1