Sommaire des Matières pour Mous AutoAlignPlus A447
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AutoAlignPlus™ Wireless Charging (15W) Dispositif de charge sans fil AutoAlignPlus™ (15W) Instruction and Safety Booklet Livret d'instructions et de sécurité FCC ID: 2AN72-A447 IC: 26279-A447 Model no: A447...
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AutoAlignPlus™ Wireless Charging Before Use • Please read this guide before using the device in order to ensure safe and proper use. • Please consult your device packaging to determine whether this product is compatible with your device. • Your consumer rights are governed by the law of the country in which you purchased the product. Please contact your service provider for more information.
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How To Safely And Best Use Your Wireless Charger Pad • If you’re using an accessory with your phone case, for example a Mous Card Wallet, please remove it as it may affect the charge performance • Limitless 3.0 contains magnets to allow perfect fast charging every time. Ensure magnets snap to position otherwise your mobile device may not charge properly •...
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MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications of this device could void the warranty. Statement of Compliance Mous declares that the radio equipment wireless charging base is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: IC Statement Radio Standards Specification RSS-Gen, issue 5 - English: This device contains license-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that...
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Warranty At Mous, we are dedicated to making high quality products that last. To give you peace of mind, this product is warranted for 2 years from the date of delivery. For full details regarding warranty terms and exclusions, please visit:
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Mous et AutoAlignPlus sont des marques commerciales de Mous Products Ltd. Apple, AirPods et iPhone sont des marques commerciales d’Apple Inc. La marque «iPhone» est utilisée au Japon sous la licence d’Aiphone K.K. Tous droits réservés.
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En revanche, il appartient à l’utilisateur de se débarrasser de ses équipements électriques et électroniques usagés en les remettant à un retraiteur agréé ou en les renvoyant à Mous pour retraitement. Pour en savoir plus sur les endroits où...
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Garantie Wir von Mous bieten langlebige und hochwertige Produkte. Damit Sie Gewissheit haben, gibt es für dieses Produkt 2 Jahre Garantie ab dem Lieferdatum. Weitere Details in Bezug auf die Garantiebedingungen und Ausnahmen finden Sie auf Diese Garantie hat keine Auswirkungen auf jegliche gesetzlichen Rechte, die Ihnen möglicherweise...
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X Non cercare di sostituire parti di questo dispositivo. Qualsiasi modifica o lo smontaggio potrebbero rendere nulla la garanzia. X L’utilizzo di un alimentatore o di un caricabatterie non raccomandati da Mous potrebbe causare un incendio o arrecare lesioni alle persone.
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Garanzia Noi di Mous realizziamo prodotti di alta qualità destinati a durare a lungo. Per offrire ai nostri clienti la massima serenità, questo prodotto è garantito 2 anni dalla data di consegna. Per informazioni complete relativamente ai termini e alle esclusioni della garanzia, rimandiamo alla pagina web
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X A utilização de uma fonte de alimentação ou de um carregador não recomendados pela Mous pode resultar em risco de incêndio ou lesões nas pessoas. X Caso este dispositivo possa ser acedido ou usado por um menor, o adulto que realizou a compra aceita ser o exclusivo responsável por prestar supervisão, instrução e avisos.
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X No trate de reemplazar ningún componente del dispositivo. Cualquier modificación o desmontaje podría suponer la anulación de la garantía. X El uso de una alimentación o un cargador no recomendados por Mous puede suponer un riesgo de incendio o lesiones a las personas.
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Declaración de conformidad Mous declara que la base de carga inalámbrica del equipo de radio cumple con la Directiva 2014/53/UE. Puede consultar el texto completo de la declaración de conformidad de la UE en: Declaración En Materia De Residuos De Aparatos Eléctricos Y Electrónicos (WEEE) Todos los productos poseen la marca del símbolo WEEE;...
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включая использование вместе с устройством, для которого оно не предназначено. Mous и AutoAlignPlus являются товарными знаками компании Mous Products Ltd. Apple, AirPods и iPhone являются товарными знаками Apple Inc. Товарный знак «iPhone» используется в Японии по лицензии Aiphone K.K. Все права защищены.
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X Bu cihazın hiçbir parçasını değiştirmeye çalışmayın. Herhangi bir değişiklik veya sökme işlemi, garantinin geçersiz kılınmasına neden olabilir. X Mous tarafından önerilmeyen bir güç kaynağı veya şarj cihazının kullanılması, yangın veya yaralanma riskine neden olabilir. X Bu cihaza reşit olmayan çocukların erişimi varsa veya onlar tarafından kullanılabiliyorsa, satın alan yetişkin kişi gözetim, talimat ve uyarıların sağlanmasına dair yegane sorumluluğu kabul eder.
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Garanti Mous olarak, yüksek kaliteli ürünler üretme konusunda kararlıyız. Size kullanım rahatlığı sunmak amacıyla, bu ürün teslimat tarihinden itibaren 2 yıl garantilidir. Garanti şartları ve istisnalarla ilgili tüm ayrıntılar için lütfen şu adresi ziyaret edin: Bu garanti, olası yasal haklarınızı etkilememektedir. Satın aldığınızın kanıtı olarak satın alma makbuzunuzun bir kopyasını...
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중요 안전 지침 - 경고 이 제품을 사용하기 전에 모든 지침과 경고를 읽어주십시오. 이 제품을 잘못 사용하면 제품 손상, 과열, 유독 가스, 화재 또는 폭발이 발생하여 귀하(이하 “구매자”)가 손해를 입을 수 있으나, Mous Products Ltd.(이하 "제조업체")가 이에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.
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지지 않습니다. 구매자는 의도하지 않은 장치와 함께 사용하는 것을 포함하여 의도하지 않은 사용 또는 오용으로 인해 발생하는 모든 청구 또는 손해에 대해 제조업체를 변호, 배상 및 면책하는 데 동의합니다. Mous 및 AutoAlignPlus는 Mous Products Ltd.의 상표입니다. Apple, AirPods 및 iPhone은 Apple Inc.의 상표입니다. "iPhone" 상표는 일본에서 Aiphone K.K.의 라이선스와 함께...
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X 請勿使用無線充電器超出其額定輸出功率︒超出額定值的過載輸出存在火災或人身傷害的風險︒ X 請勿拆卸本品或嘗試以任何方式改變用途或對其進行修改︒ X 請勿嘗試更換本裝置的任何部件︒改動或拆卸部件可導致保修失效︒ X 使用非Mous推薦的電源或充電器存在火災或人身傷害的風險︒ X 如果未成年人接觸到或使用本裝置︐則購買的成年人同意獨自承擔提供監督︑指導和警告的責任︒購買者同意為未成年人的意 外使用或濫用引起的任何索賠或損害進行辯護︑賠償並使製造商免受損害︒ X 所有產品均經過徹底的品質保證檢查︒如果發現裝置過熱︑散發異味︑變形︑磨損︑割傷或出現或表現出異常現象︐請立即停 止使用產品並與製造商聯繫︒ X 不使用時請關閉無線充電器︒ X 要從線路電壓上斷開充電板︐請從交流電源插座中拔出交流電源轉換器︒ X 為了符合FCC射頻暴露要求︐無線充電器必須與人體保持至少20釐米的安全距離︒ 法律聲明 本品只能與適當的裝置一起使用︒請檢查裝置包裝︐確定本品與您的特定裝置相容︒對於因使用本品而引起的任何裝置的損壞 ︐製造商概不負責︒ 對於因使用︑有意或無意使用本品或將本品與除本品以外的任何其他裝置或配件一起使用而造成的損失︐製造商概不對您或任 何第三方負責︒如上文所述︐對於因誤用本品而對您或任何第三方造成的損失︐製造商概不負責︒購買者同意為因意外使用或 誤用(包括與非相容裝置一起使用)引起的任何索賠或損害︐對製造商進行辯護︑賠償︐並使製造商免受損害︒Mous及 AutoAlignPlus為Mous Products Ltd.的商標︒Apple︑AirPods及iPhone是Apple Inc.的商標︒在日本︐Aiphone K.K許可使用「 iPhone」商標︒版權所有︒ 符合性聲明︓ Mous聲明無線電裝置的無線充電底座符合2014/53/EU指令的要求︒有關歐盟符合性聲明的全文請見︓ WEEE聲明︓我們所有產品均標有WEEE符號︔這表示產品不得與其他廢棄物一起處理︒用戶有責任將廢棄的電氣和電子裝置交 給經批准的再處理機構或還給Mous進行再處理來處置︒有關將廢棄的舊裝置進行回收處理的更多資訊︐請瀏覽 保修 Mous致力製造持久耐用的高品質產品︒為了讓您高枕無憂︐本品的保修期為自交付之日起2年內︒有關保修條款及排除條款的 詳細資訊︐請瀏覽︓︒本保修政策不影響您享有的任何法定權利︒請保留購買收據︐作為購買憑證︒ 客戶服務 需要其他協助︖請透過與我們聯繫︒...