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All manuals and user guides at
The Smart Charging Stand – SCS + SCS-B
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Mode d'emploi
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[ KO ] 사용자 설명서
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Manual do usuário
[ ZHS ] 用户手册
[ ZHT ] 用戶手冊


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Mettler Toledo RAININ SmartStand SCS

  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at SmartStand ™ The Smart Charging Stand – SCS + SCS-B [ DE ] Bedienungsanleitung [ ES ] Manual de instrucciones [ FR ] Mode d‘emploi [ JP ] ユーザマニュアル [ KO ] 사용자 설명서 [ PT ] Manual do usuário [ ZHS ] 用户手册...
  • Page 2: Table Des Matières

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Inhalt [ ES ] Contenido [ FR ] Contenu コンテンツ [ JP ] [ KO ] 내용 [ PT ] Conteúdo [ ZHS ] 内容 Contents [ ZHT ] 內容 Contents and Warnings Box Content &...
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at Set Password Setup EasyDirect Connect via Bluetooth ® [ DE ] [ DE ] [ DE ] Kennwort eingeben Einrichten von EasyDirect Anschließen über Bluetooth [ ES ] [ ES ] [ ES ] Configuración de la contraseña Configuración EasyDirect Conectar a través de Bluetooth...
  • Page 4 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Symbole [ ES ] Símbolos [ FR ] Symboles 記号 [ JP ] [ KO ] 기호 [ PT ] Símbolos [ ZHS ] 图标 Symbols [ ZHT ] 圖標 Full Manual: Read Manual [ DE ]...
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at Risk! Follow Instruction Electrical Shock [ DE ] [ DE ] Gefahr! Anweisung befolgen Stromschlag [ ES ] [ ES ] ¡Riesgo! Siga las instrucciones Descarga eléctrica [ FR ] [ FR ] Danger ! Suivez les instructions Risque d’électrocution 危険...
  • Page 6 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Warnungen [ ES ] Advertencias [ FR ] Avertissements 警告 [ JP ] [ KO ] 경고 [ PT ] avisos [ ZHS ] 警告 Warnings [ ZHT ] 警告 [ EN ] SmartStand SCS and SCS-B It is essential that the operating instructions are read before the tool is operated for...
  • Page 7: Intended Use

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Verwendungszweck [ ES ] Uso previsto [ FR ] Utilisation prévue 使用目的 [ JP ] [ KO ] 사용 목적 [ PT ] Utilização prevista [ ZHS ] 使用目的 Intended Use [ ZHT ] 使用目的...
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Inhalt Karton und Zubehör [ ES ] Contenido de la caja y accesorios [ FR ] Contenu de la boîte et accessoires ボックスの内容物とアクセサリ [ JP ] [ KO ] 상자 구성품 및 액세서리 [ PT ] Acessórios &...
  • Page 9 All manuals and user guides at Art # 30313000 Art # 30312899 Art # 30313247 Art #17012879 Wall AC-DC 20W 5V 4A Level VI LPS (US, UK, EU, AUS) Primary(一次側; 기본; 主要; 主要): 100 –240V~ AC, 47– 63 Hz Secondary(二次側;...
  • Page 10: Setup Stand

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Stand einrichten [ ES ] Configuración del soporte [ FR ] Configurer le support スタンドのセッ トアップ [ JP ] [ KO ] 스탠드 설치 [ PT ] Suporte de Instalação [ ZHS ] 设置支架...
  • Page 11: Assemble Stand

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Stand montieren [ ES ] Montaje del soporte [ FR ] Assembler le support スタンドを組み立てる [ JP ] [ KO ] 스탠드 조립 [ PT ] Monte o Suporte [ ZHS ] 组装支架...
  • Page 12 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Stand anschließen [ ES ] Conexión del soporte [ FR ] Connecter le support スタンドを接続する [ JP ] [ KO ] 스탠드 연결 [ PT ] Conecte o Suporte [ ZHS ] 连接支架...
  • Page 13: On/Off Button Functionality

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Stand schließen [ ES ] Cierre del soporte [ FR ] Fermer le support スタンドを閉じる [ JP ] [ KO ] 스탠드 닫기 [ PT ] Feche o Suporte [ ZHS ] 关闭支架电源...
  • Page 14: Charge Pipette

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Pipette laden [ ES ] Carga de la pipeta [ FR ] Charger la pipette ピペッ トを充電する [ JP ] [ KO ] 파이펫 충전 [ PT ] Carregar a Pipeta [ ZHS ] 为移液器充电...
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at
  • Page 16: Change Screen Settings

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Bildschirmeinstellungen ändern [ ES ] Cambio de los ajustes de la pantalla [ FR ] Modifier les paramètres d’écran スクリーン設定を変更する [ JP ] [ KO ] 스크린 설정 변경 [ PT ] Alterar Configurações da Tela [ ZHS ] 更改屏幕设置...
  • Page 17: Set Date & Time

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Datum und Zeit einstellen [ ES ] Configuración de fecha y hora [ FR ] Définir la date et l’heure 日時を設定する [ JP ] [ KO ] 날짜 및 시간 설정 [ PT ] Ajustar Data &...
  • Page 18: [ De ] Kalibrieralarm Einstellen [ Es ] Configuración De La Alarma De Calibración [ Fr ] Définir L'alarme D'étalonnage [ Jp ]

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Kalibrieralarm einstellen [ ES ] Configuración de la alarma de calibración [ FR ] Définir l’alarme d’étalonnage 校正アラームを設定する [ JP ] [ KO ] 보정 알람 설정 [ PT ] Ajustar o Alarme de Calibração [ ZHS ] 设置校准警报...
  • Page 19: Set Password

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Kennwort eingeben [ ES ] Configuración de la contraseña [ FR ] Définir le mot de passe パスワードを設定する [ JP ] [ KO ] 패스워드 설정 [ PT ] Definir a Senha [ ZHS ] 设置密码...
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Einrichten von EasyDirect [ ES ] Configuración EasyDirect [ FR ] Configuration EasyDirect セッ トアップ [ JP ] EasyDirect [ KO ] EasyDirect 설치 [ PT ] Setup EasyDirect [ ZHS ] EasyDirect 安装...
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Anschließen über Bluetooth [ ES ] Conectar a través de Bluetooth [ FR ] Connecter via bluetooth [ JP ] Bluetooth経由で接続します [ KO ] 블루투스를 통해 연결 [ PT ] Conectar via Bluetooth [ ZHS ] 通过蓝牙连接...
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] SmartStand über PC einrichten [ ES ] Configuración del SmartStand a través del PC [ FR ] Configuration de SmartStand via un PC PC経由でSmartstandをセッ トアップ [ JP ] [ KO ] SmartStand ) 설치...
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at 13.4 Reader Setup B123456789 SmartStand 1 SmartStand B123456789 SmartStand 2 SmartStand B123456789 SmartStand 3 SmartStand B123456789 SmartStand 4 SmartStand Scan BT Add FlexScan Close...
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Das nächste Kalibrierdatum setzen [ ES ] Conjunto siguiente fecha de calibración [ FR ] Définir la prochaine date de calibration 設定次の校正日 [ JP ] [ KO ] 설정 다음 교정 날짜 [ PT ] Definir próxima data de calibração [ ZHS ]...
  • Page 25 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Das nächste QuickCheck-Datum setzen [ ES ] Conjunto siguiente fecha de QuickCheck [ FR ] Set prochaine date QuickCheck 次 日付を設定します [ JP ] QuickCheck [ KO ] QuickCheck 다음 날짜를...
  • Page 26 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Asset-ID des SmartStand‘s definieren [ ES ] Definir ID de elemento de SmartStand [ FR ] Définir ID de l’actif de SmartStand の を設定する [ JP ] SmartStand [ KO ] SmartStand 의...
  • Page 27 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Asset-ID der Pipette definieren [ ES ] Definir ID de elemento de pipeta [ FR ] Définir ID de l’actif de la pipette ピペッ トをIDを設定する [ JP ] [ KO ] 피펫의...
  • Page 28 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Kennwort eingeben [ ES ] Configuración de la contraseña [ FR ] Définir le mot de passe パスワードを設定してください [ JP ] [ KO ] 패스워드 설정 [ PT ] Definir a Senha [ ZHS ] 设置密码...
  • Page 29 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Datum und Zeit einstellen [ ES ] Configuración de fecha y hora [ FR ] Définir la date et l’heure 日付と時間の設定 [ JP ] [ KO ] 날짜 및 시간 설정 [ PT ] Ajustar Data &...
  • Page 30 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Kalibrieralarm einstellen [ ES ] Configuración de la alarma de calibración [ FR ] Définir l’alarme d’étalonnage 校正アラームを設定する [ JP ] [ KO ] 보정 알람 설정 [ PT ] Ajustar o Alarme de Calibração [ ZHS ] 设置校准警报...
  • Page 31: Update Firmware

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Firmware aktualisieren [ ES ] Actualice el firmware [ FR ] Mise à jour du firmware ファームウェアのアップデート [ JP ] [ KO ] 펌웨어 업데이트 [ PT ] Atualização de Firmware [ ZHS ] 更新固件...
  • Page 32 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Behebung von Störungen [ ES ] Resolución de problemas [ FR ] Dépannage トラブルシューティング [ JP ] [ KO ] 문제해결 [ PT ] Resolução de Problemas [ ZHS ] 故障排除 Troubleshooting [ ZHT ] 故障排除...
  • Page 33 All manuals and user guides at c 2.1 c 2.2
  • Page 34 All manuals and user guides at RFID RFID d 2.1.1 d 2.1.2 d 2.1.2 d 3.1.1 d 3.1.2 RFID d 3.2.1 d 3.2.2
  • Page 35 All manuals and user guides at d 4.1 d 4.2 d 4.3 d 5.1 >24 hours...
  • Page 36 All manuals and user guides at e 1.1 e 1.2 e 2.1 ≤ 4 min e 3.1 L(m) < 10 L(ft) < 32 f 3.1 f 3.2 f 3.3
  • Page 37 All manuals and user guides at g1.1 g1.2 g1.3 g 2.1 g 2.2 [ EN ] Nearby equipment of all types will emit RF energy and can be a potential source of interference signals with the RFID antennas. Move the SmartStand to another location in case interference is assumed.
  • Page 38: Technical Data

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Technische Daten [ ES ] Características técnicas [ FR ] Caractéristiques techniques 技術データ [ JP ] [ KO ] 기술 데이터 [ PT ] Dados Técnicos [ ZHS ] 技术参数 Technical Data [ ZHT ] 技術性資料...
  • Page 39 All manuals and user guides at 1.148” 29.159 mm 1.765” 44.843 mm 12.876” 11.235” 327.046 mm 285.369 mm 5.302” 134.666 mm 9.488” 241.002 mm 4.408” 111.963 mm 4.533” 115.141 mm 11.052” 280.733 mm 12.596” 319.943 mm...
  • Page 40: Care And Maintenance

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Pflege und Wartung [ ES ] Cuidados y mantenimiento [ FR ] Entretien et maintenance お手入れとメンテナンス [ JP ] [ KO ] 관리 & 유지보수 [ PT ] Cuidado & Manutenção [ ZHS ] 维护与保养...
  • Page 41 All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Entsorgung [ ES ] Eliminación de residuos [ FR ] Mise au rebut 廃棄 [ JP ] [ KO ] 폐기 [ PT ] Descarte [ ZHS ] 处置 Disposal [ ZHT ] 棄置...
  • Page 42: Manufacturer's Warranty

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Garantiebedingungen des Herstellers [ ES ] Garantía del fabricante [ FR ] Garantie du fabricant 製造者の保証 [ JP ] [ KO ] 제조 업체의 보증 [ PT ] Garantia do Fabricante [ ZHS ] 制造商保修服务...
  • Page 43: Fcc Statements

    All manuals and user guides at [ DE ] Konformitätserklärungen [ ES ] Declaraciones de conformidad [ FR ] Déclarations de conformité 適合ステートメント [ JP ] [ KO ] 적합성 문 [ PT ] As declarações de conformidade [ ZHS ] 合格声明...
  • Page 44 All manuals and user guides at For more information [ DE ] Für mehr Informationen [ ES ] Para más información [ FR ] Pour plus d’informations 詳細については [ JP ] [ KO ] 자세한 내용은 [ PT ] Para maiores informações [ ZHS ] 了解更多信息...

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Rainin smartstand scs-b

Table des Matières