- Switch outputs 2 and 4 on (or a given dim setting) and preserve
this state as well, this time in memory 2 (MEM2). Also now pay
attention to that ALL FOUR receivers have preserved this state.
When you now press CALL1, only receivers 1 and 3 will react,
while when you press CALL2, only receivers 2 and 4 will react.
REMARK: the receiver may possibly not work when the distance
between transmitter and receiver is smaller than 1 metre.
Remove the three M3 bolts from the modules Fix the whole again,
but this time together with the front panel (see fig. 5.0). Pay
attention to the position of both the push button and the IR diode. If
everything works correctly you can also stick the film to the front
panel. Pay attention to the position of both the push button and the
IR diode window. Now the whole can be fixed into the wall by
means of two sunk screws.
Should the receiver not work, which could be caused by a bad
'start-up' of the processor when it was powered on, then remove
the mains voltage for a couple of minutes and try again.
The sensitivity of the receiver can be increased by decreasing the
value of R4 and/or increasing the value of R2. However this will
make the receiver also more sensitive to interferences such as sun