Before fitting the front panel we first will assemble the modules, so
that the whole can be tested and tuned. Assemble the modules as
shown in fig. 1.1. Don't forget the screen pcb between the triac and
processor module. Fit it with its red side towards the triac module.
Take care to use the right distance tubes! Make the connections
R, S, - and + between the two pcb's using uninsulated wire. The
wires must be passed THROUGH the screen plate. IMPORTANT:
Solder the + through connection between the triac and processor
module to the screen pcb as well.
The different settings of the receiver are done by connecting
certain solder islands to each other (solder side of IC2)
A) Setting the identification codes:
To tune a given 15 channel remote control (K6710) to a receiver,
you have the choice of four identification codes:
Code 1: If you want the 15 channel remote control to work together
with the 15 channel receiver.
Codes 2 to 4: Free choice of the identification codes.
a) for setting code 1:
see fig. 2.1, the 15 channel transmitter must have D4 fitted.
b) for setting code 2:
see fig. 2.2, the 15 channel transmitter must have D5 fitted.
c) for setting code 3:
see fig. 2.3, the 15 channel transmitter must have D6 fitted.
d) for setting code 4:
see fig. 2.4, the 15 channel transmitter must have D7 fitted.
B) Setting the channel selection:
To tune the receiver to one of the 15 channels of the transmitter,
see figures 3.1 to 3.5.