11. Event configuration for the CS141
Choose the entry
- Devices
- Events
from the drop-down menu.
Click the Button "+" next to the event "Powerfail".
The Job-Editor starts. Choose the option
"RCCMD Shutdown" from the menu.
Enter the „IP Address" of your client (The Liste-
ner Port is usually 6003). At the right side you can
specify when the shutdown signal is going to be
released, for example „At 240 seconds remaining
Click the button „Apply".
For security reasons it is recommended to make
the same RCCMD shutdown entries at „Powerfail" for
the Event "Battery low" - but here without any delays
to avoid that the server crashes because of low bat-
tery alarm!
12. Options for the CS141
The CS141 can be a variety of environmental sen-
sors and other measuring devices are combined, to
temperature, humidity, fire and smoke, motion and
intrusion, pressure, levels etc. to be monitored.
In addition, other components such as various
mounting brackets, BACnet Converter, PROFIBUS
Converter etc. available. Please ask your UPS manu-
facturers / suppliers for more detailed information
about the options available.