• Front buttons
• Powering
• Dimensions
• Weight
Analogue Audio Output
• Audio line-output 1 & 2
• Audio line-output level
• Audio line-output imped.
Push to Talk (PTT) Audio Output
• PTT line-output 1 & 2
Digital Audio Output
• Digital line-output 1 & 2
• Digital line-output
NOTE [1]: Extended limits or other custom ranges are available on request,
if allowed by your country-specific regulation.
NOTE [2]: RMS value, 22 Hz / 22 kHz, unweight.
The MCR 42 receiver complies with ETSI specifications: ETS 300 422.
- fast blinking, at 12.5% battery capacity.
1 multicolour RGB LEDs to easy indicate Rx1 & Rx2 power status:
- GREEN/PALE GREEN if "Receivers ON" with external power supply/battery;
- GREEN blinking/PALE GREEN blinking if low power supply/ low battery level
- RED blinking indicates power supply status of transmitter:
slow blinking, at 25% battery capacity;
fast blinking, at 12.5% battery capacity.
2 multicolour RGB LEDs to easy indicates Rx1 & Rx2 RF status. Always on in
normal operation:
- RED, if both receivers RF level is under squelch level;
- GREEN, if signal above squelch level & antenna A (green) is active;
- BLUE, if signal above squelch level & antenna B (blue) is active;
- YELLOW, if signal above squelch and both antenna are used.
2 multicolour RGB LEDs to easy indicates Rx1 & Rx2 audio status:
- RED, if audio is muted cause of squelch (or tone squelch if active);
- GREEN, if audio is active and tone squelch present;
- BLUE, if audio is active and tone squelch not present.
Simple operation with 4 buttons to quickly monitor and setup the receiver.
One touch function for a frequency scan and sync function.
- External = 5 ÷ 18 Vdc (1.5 W max).
- Autonomous. = with optional BCA 42 Battery Module
(5 x IEC-LR6 1.5V size-AA alkaline or rechargeable elements).
Power supply thresholds:
Threshold of pwr. low alarm
Threshold of auto power off
Threshold of power on
"Slot-in" execution= 68 x 18 x 115 mm, "Stand-alone" exec.= 68 x 18 x 135mm.
180 g approx.
: Electronically balanced on two 3 pin mini-XLR Female connector
: Adjustable 1 dB step between (peak dev level):
-30dBu [MCR42S/S2/S3] /-18dBu [MCR42] +12dBu [MCR42/S/S2] / +18dBu [MCR42S3]
: ≤ 200 ohm.
: Electronically balanced on a 5 pin mini-XLR Male connector
: Electronically balanced on 3 pin mini-XLR Male connector
: AES3 @ 48 kHz
Guide Utilisateur MCR41/MCR42
Ext. Pwr. supply
With BCA42 Ext. Pwr. supply
4.7 V
4.1 V
4.5 V
4.75 V
With SLK42-XX
4.5 V
4.4 V
3.8 V
3.8 V
4.2 V