3.0 Indoor/Outdoor Temperature
The temperature measurement is displayed on the bottom left corner of the screen.
Press the IN/OUT TEMP button to switch between indoor and outdoor temperature.
4.0 Outdoor Relative Humidity
The humidity measurement is displayed on the bottom right corner of the screen.
5.0 Heat Index
Heat index is a combination of outdoor temperature and outdoor humidity into one
number to reflect perceived temperature. It is a measure of how the air "feels" .
As humidity increases, heat index goes up and the sensation of heat increases.
The monitor will display the heat index reading once it has been powered up.
IMPORTANT: Heat index is relevant when temperature is in the range of 26.6°C (80°F)
to 46.1°C (115°F), and outdoor humidity is 35% or above, outside of this range no
measurement is available or displayed.
When outdoor temperature and humidity are not in the effective calculating range
of heat index, then current outdoor temperature will be displayed instead (the words
Heat Index and Humidex will not be displayed on the screen when Heat Index is out
of range).
6.0 Humidex
Press the Heat Index/Humidex button to show Humidex readings on the monitor.
Humidex is the same indication of how the air "feels" with the same principles of heat
index, however, it uses the Canadian standard calculation which is generally a higher
value than the Heat Index.
IMPORTANT: Humidex is relevant when temperature is in the range of 21°C (69.8°F)
to 43°C (109.4°F) and outdoor humidity is 20% or above, outside of this range no
measurement is available or displayed.