Woox Smart Zigbee Gateway is a central to
connect different zigbee sub devices, it also can
bridge zigbee devices to Wi-Fi router.
O f f l i n e w o r k i n g : e v e n t h e z i g b e e s m a r t
gateway disconnect to Wi-Fi, the zigbee devices
connected to gateway still can communicate
with each other, for instance, the zigbee wireless
mini switch turn on zigbee light bulb.
1. It is recommended to put the smart zigbee
gateway at the central of your house, so that
it's signal can cover most of zigbee devices.
The common connection distance between
gateway and zigbee device is 10m to 30m in
door depends on the obstacle.
2. The smart zigbee gateway can add up to 50
zigbee devices, including light bulb, smart
plug, light switch, sensors, radiator valves,
smart lock, and more.