3.3 Safety instructions for moving the mobile scaffold tower
Do not move the mobile scaffold tower if there are any materials or persons on it.
– The mobile scaffold tower must only be moved by hand and on a solid and level surface that is free from any obstacles.
– The mobile scaffold tower must not be moved with the aid of vehicles of any kind.
– The tower must not be moved at a pace faster than normal walking speed.
– The tower must only be moved longitudinally or diagonally.
– The surface on which the mobile scaffold tower is being moved has to be capable of bearing the tower's weight.
– It is prohibited to raise or attach the mobile scaffold tower to another object or device.
– The mobile scaffold tower must only be moved up to wind force 6 (~ 45 km/h) wind speeds.
– The castors must always be arrested before ascending the tower.
3.4 Checking the site of use before assembly, after moving or changing the
mobile scaffold tower's configuration
The following points must always be checked before every use of the mobile scaffold tower:
– The mobile scaffold tower always has to be vertical relative to the ground. Where necessary, it may have to be
realigned to ensure the same.
– All of the tower's component must be fitted as set out in the Assembly Instructions and User Manual.
– The ballast weights and outriggers must be fitted as specified in these Assembly Instructions and User Manual.
– The brakes on the castors have to be locked every time the tower has been moved.
– Make sure there are no electrical hazards.
– Make sure there are no changes in the environment that could pose a hazard to tower's safe use.
3.5 Required tools
– Hammer, spirit level
4. Assembly
4.1 General
The mobile scaffold tower must only be assembled once the personnel involved have read the product information
(section 2) and safety instructions (section 3) in full. Assembling and disassembling the tower requires at least 2 persons.
Mobile scaffold towers with a height in excess of 6 metres require 3 persons to assemble. Only use original parts in
compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Pages 116 and 117 contain a table with the individual steps for assembling the scaffold. Please note that
certain steps may have to be repeated multiple times. For this reason, please make sure to perform all of the
individual steps shown for your scaffold, which will depend on your scaffold's height. A detailed explanation
of the individual steps can be found from section 12 onwards.
* If you want to create lower, straight working heights (e.g. 6.30 m) with the packages of odd working heights
(e.g. 7.30 m), you also need 2 pieces of diagonal braces and, for the 1000 and 5000 series, the access aid
art. no. 703972 and 1 x art.-No. 702517 (2,00 m) / 702500 (2,50 m).
The Assembly Instructions describe how to assemble the STABILO
figurations. Please read the entire assembly instructions before assembly and take note of the differences between the
different assembly options. Depending on the height of the topmost working platform, the mobile scaffold tower will either
have to be fitted with ballast weights (version A – page 127) or outriggers (version B – page 127). Please read the
corresponding information in this manual.
mobile scaffold tower in a number of different con-