1.7 sTaNDarD reFereNCes
Directives concerning the safety of the product
Directive 2006/42/CE and subsequent amendments and integrations relevant to the machinery and that modifies
directive 95/16/CE (recast).
Directive 2014/35/UE and subsequent amendments and integrations concerning the harmonizing of the Member
State legislation relevant to the availability on the market of electrical material to be used within some voltage limits .
Directive 2014/30/UE and subsequent amendments and integrations concerning the harmonizing of the Member
State legislation relevant to electro-magnetic compatibility (recast).
Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Directive 2011/65/UE on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
Decision of the Commission 2000/532/CE and subsequent amendments and integrations that supersedes decision
94/3/CE, which defines a list of waste in compliance with article 1, letter a), of directive 75/442/CEE of the Council
related to waste and decisions 94/904/CE of the Council, which defines a list of hazardous waste in compliance with
article 1, section 4, of directive 91/689/CEE of the council relevant to hazardous waste.
1.9 saFeTY WarNINGs FOr THe User
- Before operating the MagniSmartech ©systems in the purchased version, we suggest removing the packages
from the areas where the system is to be installed in order to prevent any potential risks for children.
- Children or animals must not play or stay in close proximity to the moving parts of the bed.
- In order to prevent potential hazards from the mechanical moving parts, the children cannot use the system without
the supervision of an adult.