Mix together all the ingredients to form a dough and leave to rise
for approx. one hour. Then proceed as per "normal" spaetzle. Leave
liver spaetzle in the water for a couple of minutes.
Spinach spaetzle
400 g flour, 2–3 eggs, 1/4 l water, 250 g chopped fresh spinach (or
frozen spinach), 1 pinch of salt and nutmeg.
Mix together all the ingredients to form a firm dough and then
proceed as per "normal" spaetzle.
Mashed potato, basic recipe
8–10 medium-sized potatoes, 1 tsp salt, around 300 ml milk, 1 tbsp
butter and (optional) a pinch of grated nutmeg.
Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into slices, cook in salted water
and then drain.
Press the potato slices through the multipress and into a pan. Add
butter or margarine. Boil the milk and use a potato spoon or a whisk
to repeatedly stir into the potatoes (the quantity of milk can vary
depending on the texture of the potatoes). Continue to stir the mash
on a low heat until you have obtained a consistent and soft texture.
Season to taste with salt and nutmeg.
Potato gnocchi
300 g floury potatoes, salt, 1 egg, 30 g butter, 30 g flour, nutmeg.
Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into slices, cook in salted water
and then drain.
Press the potato pieces through the multipress and mix with the egg
immediately. Mix the potato mixture with 20 g butter, flour, salt and
a little nutmeg.
Use a spoon to cut the gnocchi, cook in boiling salted water until
they float on the surface (approx. 10 minutes). Remove the gnocchi
carefully from the pan using a skimming ladle and leave to dry