Obligations - Prohibitions - Suggestions - Recommendations
On reception, open the packaging and make sure that the appliance and accessories have not
been damaged during transportation. If damage is found, report it promptly to the carrier and
do not install the appliance. Contact qualified and authorised personnel to report the problem
detected. The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused during transportation
Prohibition for unauthorised personnel to perform any interventions (included children,
disabled and persons with limited physical, sensory and mental skills).
Read the instructions before performing any type of operation.
Wear a protection outfit, suitable to the operations to be performed. For what concerns the
personal protection devices, the European Community has issued the directives which the
operators must follow.
Absolute prohibition to damage or remove the plates and pictograms applied to the ma-
Interrupt every form of supply (electrical - gas - water) upstream the machine each time it's
necessary to operate in safety conditions.
Do not leave objects or inflammable material next to the machine.
Special safety prescriptions (Obligations-Prohibitions-Dangers) are mentioned in detail in
a specific chapter concerning these issues.
Safe handling
The noncompliance with the instructions described below exposes the operator to the
danger of serious injuries.
Installation operations must be performed by qualified and authorized technical operators,
in keeping with the in force standards concerning thus issue, using the suitable materials
described here.
Wear personal protection clothing, which must comply with the requirements of the EC
directive concerning the individual protection devices.
The operator authorized to appliance handling and installation operations must arrange, if
necessary, a "safety plan", in order to safeguard the safety of the persons involved in the
operations. Moreover, the operator must keep to and strictly and scrupulously apply the
laws and standards concerning mobile yards.
Make sure that the employed lifting means have a carrying capacity suitable to the loads
to be lifted and that they are kept in good conditions.
Perform handling operations using lifting means with a carrying capacity suitable to the
appliance weight, increased by the 20%.
Follow the indications written on the package and/or on the same appliance before going
on with the handling.
Check the barycentre of the load before lifting the appliance.
Lift the appliance from the floor, enough to allow its handling.
Do not wait or pass under the equipment while it is being lifted and handled.
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