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™ The Sizzix® Big Shot™ Foldaway Machine is exactly what crafters have been looking for - a versatile, easy-to-use and a ordable multipurpose creative system. It is designed to cut and emboss for creating unlimited fun projects. Using Sizzix Originals™, Bigz™, Sizzlits®, Embosslits™, Framelits™, Thinlits™...
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Handle Operation To begin using the machine, (1) press the lever in on the crank shaft to release the handle. (2) Lift the handle up vertically and pull it down so that it is parallel with the machine. The crank shaft will lock in place once it is in position.
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SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Warranty This product comes with a limited warranty. Visit website listed below for details: North, Central and South America: Europe, Australia/Oceania, Asia, Middle East and Africa: China: Notices US & Intl Patents (see Brevets de USA et Intl (visitez
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Platform and Adapter Pads Thin Die Adapter Standard Platform...
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Standard Platform Place “sandwich” on the Standard Platform and slide Platform into opening of Big Shot Foldaway. Note the rotation of the handle and continue to rotate it in the same direction until the Platform has passed through the opening and the rollers.
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Bigz XL Dies require Extended Cutting Pads (sold separately) Slide the “sandwich” into the opening of the Big Shot Foldaway. Note the rotation of the handle and continue to rotate it in the same direction until the “sandwich” has passed through the opening of the rollers.
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Standard Platform Place “sandwich” on Standard Platform and slide Platform into opening of Big Shot Foldaway. Note the rotation of the handle and continue to rotate it in the same direction until the Platform has passed through the opening and the rollers.
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Standard Platform Place “sandwich” on Standard Platform and slide Platform into opening of Big Shot Foldaway. Note the rotation of the handle and continue to rotate it in the same direction until the Platform has passed through the opening and the rollers.
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Standard Platform Place “sandwich” on both Thin Die Adapter and Standard Platform and slide platform into opening of Big Shot Foldaway. Note the rotation of the handle and continue to rotate it in the same direction until the Platform has passed through the opening and the rollers.
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PENDANT SON UTILISATION. CONSERVER CES INSTRUCTIONS La machine Sizzix® Big Shot™ Foldaway est exactement ce que les bricoleurs attendaient—un système créatif multifonctions polyvalent, facile à utiliser et abordable. Elle est conçue pour la découpe et l'embossage, a n de créer un nombre in ni de projets amusants.
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Instructions d'utilisation de la machine Ouverture des portes Pour ouvrir la machine, (1) descendez les plateaux du centre en vous aidant des rainures pour les doigts. (2) Une fois en position horizontale, poussez les deux plateaux vers le centre de la machine pour les verrouiller en position. Pour la replier, tirez les plateaux en les éloignant du centre à...
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. Placez le sandwich sur la plate-forme standard et glissez la plate-forme dans l'ouverture de la Big Shot Foldaway. Notez la rotation de la poignée et continuez à la tourner dans la même direction jusqu'à ce que la plate-forme soit passée à...
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Shot Foldaway. Notez la rotation de la poignée et continuez à la tourner dans la même direction jusqu'à ce que la plate-forme soit passée à travers l'ouverture et les rouleaux. Retirez la plate-forme de la Big Shot Foldaway. Votre forme coupée est prête à l'emploi ! Garantie Ce produit est vendu avec une garantie limitée.
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SUPERVISEN A LOS NIÑOS. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES La máquina Sizzix® Big Shot™ Foldaway es exactamente lo que buscaban los artesanos: un sistema versátil, creativo y multiusos, fácil de usar y económico. Está diseñado para cortar y repujar para poder crear ilimitados proyectos divertidos.
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Instrucciones de uso de la máquina Abrir las puertas Para abrir la máquina, (1) separa las placas del centro ayudándote de las ranuras para los dedos. (2) Una vez que estén en posición horizontal, presiona las placas hacia dentro hasta que queden bloqueadas. Para cerrar, tira de las placas hacia afuera utilizando la ranura para los dedos.
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“sándwich”. Coloca el “sándwich” en la plataforma estándar y desliza la plataforma a través de la apertura de la Big Shot Foldaway. Observa la rotación de la manivela y continúa girándola en la misma dirección hasta que la plataforma haya pasado a través de la apertura y los rodillos.
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Shot Foldaway. Observa la rotación de la manivela y continúa girándola en la misma dirección hasta que la plataforma haya pasado a través de la apertura y los rodillos. Retira la plataforma de la Big Shot Foldaway. ¡Tu forma troquelada está lista para usar! Garantía...
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SI CONSIGLIA LA SUPERVISIONE DI BAMBINI DA PARTE DI ADULTI. CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONI La macchina Sizzix® Big Shot™ Foldaway è proprio ciò che stavate aspettando: un sistema creativo multifunzione, versatile, conveniente e facile da usare. Consente il taglio e la go ratura, per creare un numero pressoché...
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Istruzioni per l’uso della macchina Sportelli apribili Per aprire la macchina, (1) abbassate i piani a partire dal centro usando le scanalature per le dita come guida. (2) Quando sono in posizione orizzontale, spingete entrambi i piani verso il centro della macchina per ssarli al loro posto.
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è passata attraverso l'apertura e i rulli. Rimuovete la piattaforma dalla macchina Big Shot Foldaway. Il materiale go rato è pronto per l'uso! Uso della cartella per goffratura 3-D Textured Impressions...
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"sandwich". Mettete il “sandwich” sull'adattatore per fustelle sottili e sulla piattaforma standard e fatelo scorrere nell'apertura della macchina Big Shot Foldaway. Osservate la rotazione della manovella e continuate a ruotarla nella stessa direzione nché...
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НЕ ПЕРЕГРУЖАЙТЕ СТАНОК. ОПАСНОСТЬ В СВЯЗИ С ДЕЙСТВИЕМ ОТРЕЗАНИЯ. НЕ КАСАЙТЕСЬ ЛЕЗВИЯ ШТАМПА. РЕКОМЕНДУЕТСЯ ПРИСМОТР ВЗРОСЛЫХ ЗА ДЕТЬМИ. СОХРАНИТЕ ЭТИ ИНСТРУКЦИИ Big Shot™ Foldaway Sizzix® – Sizzix Originals™, Bigz™, Sizzlits®, Embosslits™, Framelits™, Thinlits™ Triplits™, Textured Impressions™, Texture Trades™ Texture Fades™,...
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Инструкция по эксплуатации машинки Откидные дверцы , (1) . (2) Приведение в действие рукоятки . (2) Место для хранения...
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Использование штампа Sizzlits Sizzlits « ». « » Big Shot Foldaway. Big Shot Foldaway. Использование штампов Originals, Bigz или Bigz XL Originals Bigz « ». « » Big Shot Foldaway. « » « » Big Shot Foldaway. Использование папок Textured Impressions, Texture Fades, Texture Trades Embossing Folders или...
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Использование штампа Framelits, Thinlits, Triplits или штампа Wafer-thin « ». « » Big Shot Foldaway. Big Shot Foldaway. Гарантия Для направления уведомлений . 866-742-4447 ( 949-598-5897 ( : 0844 499 8181 : +44 (0) 845 345 2277...
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ES WIRD EMPFOHLEN, DASS DAS GERÄT NUR UNTER AUFSICHT VON ERWACHSENEN BENUTZT WIRD. DIESE GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG Die Big Shot™ Foldaway-Maschine von Sizzix® ist genau das, wonach Hobbyhandwerker immer gesucht haben – ein vielseitiges, benutzerfreundliches und kostengünstiges Mehrzweckkreativsystem. Mit dieser Stanzmaschine können Sie zahlreiche lustige Projekte erscha en. Mit der Benutzung von Sizzix Originals™, Bigz™-, Sizzlits®-, Embosslits™-, Framelits...
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Gebrauchsanweisung für die Maschine Klapptüren Um die Maschine zu ö en, (1) ziehen Sie die Platten an den geri elten Stellen aus der Mitte nach unten. (2) Sobald sich diese in einer waagerechten Position be nden, drücken Sie die Platten in Richtung Mitte der Maschine, um diese in die richtige Position zu bringen.
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„Sandwich“. Legen Sie das „Sandwich“ auf die Standardplattform und ziehen Sie die Plattform in die Ö nung der Big Shot Foldaway. Bitte beachten Sie dabei die Drehbewegung des Gri s und drehen Sie den Gri weiterhin in dieselbe Richtung, solange bis die Plattform durch die Ö nung des Rollers gegleitet ist.
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Gri s und drehen Sie den Gri weiterhin in die selbe Richtung so lange, bis die Plattform durch die Ö nung des Rollers gegleitet ist. Entfernen Sie die Unterlage von der Big Shot Foldaway. Nun können Sie Ihre Stanzform verwenden! Garantie Dieses Produkt verfügt über eine beschränkte Garantie.
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CRIANÇAS DEVEM SER SUPERVISIONADAS POR ADULTOS. GUARDE ESSAS INSTRUÇÕES A máquina Sizzix® Big Shot™ Foldaway é exatamente o que os artesãos procuram.—um sistema criativo e versátil, accessível e fácil de usar, e que atende a várias nalidades. Projetada para cortar e estampar, criando um número ilimitado de projetos divertidos.
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Instruções da máquina Abertura de portas Para abrir a máquina, (1) abaixe as camadas do centro utilizando as ranhuras para os dedos como guia. (2) Uma vez que estiverem na horizontal, empurre ambas as camadas em direção ao centro da máquina para que travem no lugar.
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Observe a rotação do punho e continue a girá-lo no mesmo sentido até que o “sanduíche” tenha passado pela abertura dos rolos. Remova o “sanduíche” da Big Shot Foldaway. Seu formato de corte com matriz está pronto para uso! Utilização de capas de gravação Textured Impressions, Texture Fades, Texture Trades, ou cortantes Embosslits Com pastas com gravação em alto relevo Textured Impressions, Texture...
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Foldaway. Observe a rotação do punho e continue a girá-lo no mesmo sentido até que a plataforma tenha passado pela abertura e pelos rolos. Remova a plataforma da Big Shot Foldaway. Seu formato de corte com matriz está pronto para uso! Garantia Este produto vem acompanhado de uma garantia limitada.