Setup • Using Wire Nuts
Introduction to Wire Nuts
Those little multi-coloured caps that come in the box with Mysa
are called Wire Nuts. You use them to connect 2 or more wires
together. But you can't just toss them on top of already twisted
wires - there's a safe and correct way to do it!
Connecting Wires
- Start by holding the two wires together so that the
copper ends are parallel.
- Together, slip them into the Wire Nut.
- Now, turn the Wire Nut clockwise until it feels secure.
- Give the wires a gentle tug.
- And if you detect any movement or slippage
whatsoever, untwist and start the process over.
If you have pliers, great!
You can use them to
pre-twist the wires
before inserting them
into the Wire Nut or
straighten bent or
curved wires.