Calibrati on is necessary and should be done regularly, recommended everyday if the meter is used
oft en. The unique calibrati on design of the meter features automati c buff er recogniti on to avoid
Calibrati on of the code 250152
1.Power on the phmeter.
2.Place the electrode into a buff er soluti on (4, 7 or
10), pH7 should be calibrated fi rst and then 4 or
10 pH for bett er accuracy.
3.Press « CAL » to enter pH calibrati on mode. The
text «CA» will appear on the LCD for one second
and then pH value (4,7 or 10) will displayed on
the LCD (Fig. I).
4.If probe or buff er is in error :
If the buff er is incorrectly inserted or the probe
is damaged or the probe can not detect buff er
in below voltage range, the meter will escape
calibrati on mode automati cally aft er 10 seconds.
Text "En" will appear on the LCD in one second and
then will go back to normal status (Fig. J).
Acceptable voltage range of each point :
pH 4,00
97 mV.
pH 7,00
-60 mV
pH 10,00
-250 mV.
Please always keep the pH glass bulb wet
by using the cap to protect and store the
(tap water) before next use.
Never touch or rub glass bulb in order to last pH
electrode life.
250 mV
60 mV
-97 mV.
soluti on
5.If the probe is in contact with the buff er:
If the probe successfully recognizes the buff er,
the buff er pH value (4 or 7 or 10) will appear on
the display in 2 seconds (Fig.K). If the calibrati on
buff er is not 4,7,10 but another value, such as
4.01, just press « HLD » to change the value.
6.The adjustable cal. point range for 4.0 pH is
from 3.50 to 4.50. For 7.0 pH is from 6.50 to
7.50. For 10.0 pH is from 9.50 to 10.50.
7.To save the calibrati on value:
When the electrode reads a stable value and
user stops pressing any keys, the meter will
automati cally save the value and then escape
the calibrati on mode (Fig. L).
8.Rinse the probe with de-ionized water
or a rinse soluti on (tap water...) aft er
each measurement to last the meter's
9.Repeat above steps unti l the 3 point
calibrati on are fi nished.
Make sure the electrode is clean. Between
measurements, rinse the electrode with
deionised water. If the eletrode has been
exposed to a solvent immiscible with water,
clean it with a solvent miscible with water
e.g.ethanol or acetone and rinse carefully
with water.
Store the electrode carefully.
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