Choix 2: Modify Jbus settings
Active la modification des paramètres Jbus.
Setting Jbus configuration :
Set Slave number : 0x7
Set the Baud Rate [1: 38400, 2: 19200, 3: 9600, 4: 4800, 5: 2400, 6: 1200] :3
Set data format [1: 8 bits, 2: 7 bits] :1
Set stop bit [1: 1 bits, 2: 2 bits] :1
Set Parity [1: None, 2: Even, 3: Odd] :1
Wait during the new setting is saved ...
TLS/ Slave JBUS initialized
The Jbus configuration is now updated. Choix 3: Display Jbus diagnostics
Active l'affichage des diagnostiques Jbus.
Jbus diagnostics :
Cpt1 - Bus Message Count:0
Cpt2 - CRC Error Count :0
Cpt3 - Slave Exception Error Count:0
Cpt4 - Slave Message Count:0
Cpt5 - Slave No Response Count:0
Cpt6 - Slave NAK Count:0
Cpt7 - Slave Busy Count:0
Cpt8 - Bus Caracter Overrun Count:0
Cpt9 - Slave Correct Response Count:0 Choix 4: Reset Jbus diagnostics
Remise à zéro des compteurs de diagnostique. Choix 5: Return to Jbus Default Configuration
Retour aux paramètre par défaut de liaison Jbus (0x01, 9600, 8, 1, pas de parité)
Wait during Jbus configuration returns to default ...
Jbus Configuration has been set to default one.
Network Management Card
– Manuel Utilisateur