Determination of the soot number
Check sleeve at the piston: the
sleeve (21) has to fit completely
into the rabbet of the sleeve holder.
Determination of the soot number
The soot test pumps determine the soot number in heating sytem using liquid fuel, ac-
cording to the first amendment to the first decree for the implementation of the Federal
Emission Protection Law from 22. Sept. 1978.
From the core of the smoke gas a defined sampling is sucked through a filter paper. The
coloration that the smoke gas causes on the filter paper is compared to the fields of a
soot comparison chart.
Taking the sample
The determination of the soot number in the smoke gas and therefore the diagnosis, if
there are also oil derivate in the smoke gas, has to be carried out 3 times., see chapter
5.3. Each time 10 strikes will be necessary. The sample has to be taken out right angled
to the flowing direction of the flue gas .
An additional measurement has to
be carried out
The outer valve lip of the sleeve should not be
if the filter paper
was decolored due to over-heating
has become noticeably humid due to conden-
sation or
if no even coloration occurred on the filter