First of all, find the latest version of "Netscan" for the relevant op-
erating system in the Internet and save it on the hard drive. Then
unzip the folder content where necessary and run the "nets-
can.exe" file.
IP address range selection for the network via the icon "IP
Mark the address range for the network
Scan the IP addresses "Start Scanning" and read out the IP
address using the MAC address
User interface
Once the IP address has been determined successfully and the
address has been entered in the address line of the browser, the
refrigerant may be queried depending on the heat pump type and
system configuration. Details of the refrigerant can be found in
the device information in the heat pump installation instruction.
Refrigerant query
Once the refrigerant has been saved successfully, you will be for-
warded to the startpage.
Startpage of the user interface
All settings relating to the heat pump are not described sepa-
rately. The settings available with the NWPM expansion are the
same as the settings in the heat pump manager. It is advisable to
consult the operating instructions for the heat pump manager.
Functions such as assigning an IP address, datalogger or send-
ing an e-mail in the event of a malfunction are made available in
the menu "settings" - "network".
5.1 IP address
Under "network", there is the option of assigning a fixed IP ad-
dress in the "Eth0" line and the subnetmasks in the "NetMask
main" line. This section is where it is decided whether the NWPM
expansion provides a fixed IP address or whether it can be as-
signed a dynamic IP address by the router. It is also possible to
enter the gateway address in the "Gateway Address" line.
In both cases, changes to the entry are only applied once the
NWPM expansion has been restarted. The NWPM expansion
can then be reached via the assigned IP address.
No fixed IP address is entered under Eth0 in the "IP Address
main" line on delivery.
When assigning a fixed IP address, it is important to ensure that it is in
the address area of the network.