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aquabrass regency 7386 Guide D'installation page 7


Do not allow water residues to come into prolonged contac t wit h t he sur face f inish. Af ter e ach use, gently dr y t he produc t sur face wit h a
cle an sof t clot h to prevent water-spot t ing and mineral build-up. Water stains and accumulat ion of minerals we aken t he prote c t ive coat ing,
eventually le ading to pe el of f.
Cle an t he sur face re gularly using a pH neut ral cle ar liquid soap, water and a sof t clot h. Rinse away any t races of soap and gently dr y wit h
a sof t cle an clot h. O ccasional applicat ion of Flit z Faucet Wax Plus is also re commende d. T he applicat ion of t his wax base d produc t le aves
a prote c t ive layer t hat repels water, t hereby providing ex t ra prote c t ion against tar nishing.
Avoid abrasive and har sh cle aning produc t s (detergent s, caust ic, acidic, ant ibac ter ial, ammonia- or ble ach-containing produc t s, organic
solvent s, lime scale and clog remover s, bras s and silver cle aner s, etc.). T he use of t hese produc t s can damage t he f inish and will void t he
war rant y. We re commend cover ing t he f ix ture wit h a towel when using any of t he liste d produc t s in order to prevent damage by splashing.
Residues lef t by per sonal produc t s such as soap, toot hpaste and shampoo can damage t he f inish. Always r inse t hese residues away wit h
cle an water and wipe dr y.
Due to t he charac ter ist ic s of t he Aquabras s custom f inishes and t heir appropr iate maintenance durabilit y dependency, t he
war rant y for custom f inish produc t s is t hre e (3) ye ar s. T here are no retur ns on custom f inish produc t s.
Adjustments for specif ic restrictions can be made on most of our lavator y bathroom faucets in order to coordinate with
regional flow rate allowances. A low flow restrictor is sold at $10 per unit. Please contact your local Aquabrass representative for
additional details.
Complying with North American plumbing standards and guaranteeing environmental products of the highest quality is our top priority.
Last revision: 01/12/02020
regency 7386
Cradle tub filler with handshower and floor risers
Robinet de bain avec douchette et colonettes de sol

