Message for ambiance mode
Message used as carillon
Message for test button
Maestro information
Messages are digital audio files with MP3 format (max : 256kb/s) or WAV format (max : 44kb/8 bits).
Each folder must contain one and only one digital audio file corresponding to the matching message.
Only the folder name matters. Filenames, in most folders, are free and not taken into account.
The «Calendar» folder is an exception because it holds all the files used by the calendar. Filenames are taken into account
in this folder. They are used in the calendar's parameters (cf. §6.11).
The filename length («filename.mp3») must not exceed 50 characters.
Messages from the Maestro can be triggered by one of the 6 input contacts (cf. §6.7), by a DTMF dial number (cf. §6.8), or
by a calendar schedule (cf. §6.11).
Whatever the triggering source, all messages have a list of common parameters which can be modified in order to ensure
the proper functioning.
• Broadcast repetition
The Maestro offers the possibility to repeat the broadcast of each message and to insert a delay between these repeti-
tions. This allows to repeat a message without having to create a specific digital audio file.
• Priority
The Maestro handles messages priority to decide on the action to take if a broadcast is already in progress.
If a message with higher priority is triggered, the message in progress is stopped and the new message, or the phone
announcement, will be broadcast instead.
By default, the test button message has the higher priority, followed by messages from input contacts 1 to 6 and DTMF
dial numbers 1 to 6, then DTMF number 7 to 9, next messages from the calendar and finally the phone announcement.
• Volume
The Maestro allows to adjust the volume for each message to broadcast.
Volume management is optional as the files included in the product have all been normalized. Furthermore, the product
has 2 front panel volume buttons, for the messages (MES.) and for the voice (VOI.) during a phone announcement.
Nevertheless, if a new message is used on the product and if its audio rendering need to be tuned with the other mes-
sages, it is possible to modify the volume parameters and/or the front panel volume in order to so.
• Output relays
The Maestro has 2 output relays, R1 et R2, which can be connected to the PA system in order to command or mix an audio
input, or to select a broadcast zone.
For each message, it is possible to activate relay R1, relay R2, or both R1 and R2. Relays can also be deactivated.
Files examples
Messages for the calendar
Messages for the DTMF option
Messages for input contacts 1 to 6
Configuration file
Date/Time setup