Operating instructions for the Maestro are described in the installation guide shipped with the product.
The Maestro configuration is included in its µSD card.
The content of this card can be changed in order to modify the product configuration.
The original µSD card can be replaced with a customized and pre-configured card, by respecting recommendations and
explanations described in this document.
The card shipped with the product has a 4GB capacity. A card with a different capacity can be used.
The µSD card has folders, their names and the tree structure must be preserved.
These folders, with explicit names, hold several pre-recorded messages which can be easily replaced.
• the «Ambiance» folder holds the file which is permanently broadcast if this mode is enabled;
• the «Calendar» folder holds the different files which are used by the calendar, if this option is enabled;
• the «Carillon» folder holds the file which can be broadcast before a message or an announcement over the phone;
• the «Dtmf» folder holds the folders «1» to «9» with the files to broadcast for each dial number if this option is enabled;
• the «Examples» folder holds examples of configuration files and audio files;
• the «Message 1» folder holds the file to broadcast when triggering input contact 1;
• the «Message 2» folder holds the file to broadcast when triggering input contact 2;
• the «Message 3» folder holds the file to broadcast when triggering input contact 3;
• the «Message 4» folder holds the file to broadcast when triggering input contact 4;
• the «Message 5» folder holds the file to broadcast when triggering input contact 5;
• the «Message 6» folder holds the file to broadcast when triggering input contact 6;
• the «Test» folder holds the file to broadcast if the test button has been pushed;
The µSD card also has 2 specific files :
• the configuration file «conf.txt» which contains all the product's parameters and settings (cf. §6)
• the file «time.txt» which allows to set the date and time for the product (cf. §6.10)
A file «info.txt» is also included in the µSD card, indicating the Maestro version plus the product date and time.
This file is updated at each product start-up and it should not be modified.
A file «error.txt» can also be found in the µSD card, in case of an error within the configuration file.
This file gives some details about the error with the name of the parameter and the error type.
Power supply unit
Analog line (ex : PABX)
Example : flashing light
PA system
(Aux. or Line input)
Telecom remote
Contact 6
Contact 5
Contact 4
Contact 3
Contact 2
Contact 1