Installation manual
Output connection
Each output of the IFM24160 module can be configured to activate specific conditions. If left at their default
settings, the three outputs will be as follows:
• OUT 1, supervised output which activates in the event of a generic fire alarm
• OUT 2, constantly active output (27.6V constant) for powering external devices
• RELAY, voltage free contact which activates in the event of fault
2-wire shielded cable
Proper section (minimum 0.5mm², maximum 2.5 mm²)
Compliant with local laws and regulations in force
Connection of polarized devices (sounders, etc.) to the OUT outputs
Refer to Figure 1 - OUT - a, page 35.
The polarities refer to the active status of the output, the polarities invert for stand-by status.
If the control panel default settings are left unchanged, the OUT 1 output will result as being configured
as a type C output for the connection of audible/visual signalling devices.
The output will activate in the event of any type of fire-alarm condition.
Connection of non-polarized devices (relays, etc.) to the OUT outputs
Refer to Figure 2 - OUT - b, page 35.
The polarities refer to the active status of the output, the polarities invert for stand-by status.
Connection of a generic device to the RELAY output
Refer to Figure 3 - RELAY, page 35.
The OUT output illustrated in the diagram is used as a power source and is programmed as continuously active.
The illustrated connection does not supervise the cable and does not signal connection faults.
All voltage free relay contact can only be connected to SELV circuits.
Refer to Figure 4 - RELAY - inv, page 35.
If the control panel default settings are left unchanged, the RELAY output will result as being configured
as a fault signalling output.
In compliance with regulations the output will also result "inverted" in order to switch to fault condition
when the system is completely without power.
Therefore, in stand-by status (no faults present on the system) terminals C and NC will be closed,
whereas terminals C and NO will be open.
J and E type relay output wiring (EN54)
2-wire shielded cable
Proper section (minimum 0.5mm², maximum 2.5 mm²)
Compliant with local laws and regulations in force
Refer to Figure 3 - RELAY - J, page 22.
To make a type J output (output for the activation of a remote fault-signalling device as required by
EN54-2, [A]), you must use a remote communication device which is compliant with EN54-21
regulations [B] and which must have a normally-open supervised activation input [C], a normally-closed
fault signalling output [D] and a normally-open output to provide feedback indicating successful
communication [E].
This is done by making the connection illustrated in the figure, using a relay output (of an IFM24160
module, IFM4R module or relay module) [A] configured as "communicator fault condition output" and
an input of an I/O module [F] configured as "communicator fault condition input".
Output connection