• DO NOT use this product if:
- broken, leaking, if parts are cracked or deformed, or if the product has malfunc�oned.
- abnormal heat occurs during vaping or charging. Do not overcharge the ba�eries.
- there is concerning leakage of e-liquid from the pod.
- if conduc�ve or corrosive liquids enter the device.
- there is any percep�ble change in flavor of the e-liquid.
- where microbial contamina�on or other contamina�on is suspected.
- the pod is empty or almost empty. E-liquid should always be in the pod to avoid dry
hea�ng and burning the coil.
- THIS PRODUCT SHOULD BE SERVICED EVERY 6 MONTHS. If the product fails a service,
do not use. Defec�ve items and parts must be replaced before re-use.
• General use:
- Do not eat, drink, or smoke while using this product.
- This product must be used under temperature 0-40℃.
- Always close the airflow slot a�er using this product.
- Use this product in modera�on and in accordance with the instruc�ons
of use.
- Vaping products, including this product, should not be used in prohibited or
restricted areas.
- Vaping products, including this product, should not be used in high oxygen
- We recommend that you do not use vaping products, including this product, while
- Using electronic cigare�es may create undesirable effects to you and the people
around you.
Instruc�ons on how to use this product for the first �me
• Before purchasing the product, please verify that the product is an authen�c SMOK
product. Fake and counterfeit products may be harmful to personal health. To verify
the product, please use our new AB product verifica�on code system. Note: Please
carefully keep the AB verifica�on codes on the package. AB verifica�on codes are
required and will be used in product verifica�on and a�er-sales service.
- Please download and install IVPS Tour APP.
- Please refer to:
em, and then follow the steps described in THE NEW
ANTI-COUNTERFEITING SYSTEM to verify your product.
- Only the verified product can get warranty service.
- If you have any ques�ons, please contact SMOK via e-mail, phone or our website to
get more help.
• Before using this product, please read this leaflet, in full, carefully.
• Before using this product for the first �me, ensure the product contains all relevant
parts and components.
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